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*The sequel to this book is now on Tap (app). Please do drop by to take a look!

** Also my new book is out, it's called Player VS Player, and I hope you'll read it and like it!! Thank youu~



"Yeah, mum?"

"Get off that laptop for once and help your sister and I with the preparation of tonight's dinner! We need you to make the potato salad!"

"Okay I'm coming!" I walked briskly towards the kitchen and grabbed the potatoes and got to washing them. Just then, the phone rang and my 7 year old sister, Lilith, went to get it.

"Hello?" she said in her usual cute voice. "Grandpa! Yes, we have enough food for tonight's dinner. Don't worry! Wait what? Grandma's bringing milk and cookies? Yay! And Santa can have some too!"

"Santa doesn't exist," I muttered under my breath. Unfortunately, mum heard.

"Honey... don't say that. It's not nice to ruin Lilith's imagination," she looked over with a disapproving gaze.

I didn't reply. Just continued with the potato work.

"Okay, I'll see you both later! Bye Grandpa. Love you!" Lilith ended the call and came running to us excitedly. "Grandpa said that he and Grandma will be coming at 6 and Uncle Angus and Aunt Harper and Thomas and Nicolas will be coming at 6.15 and-"

"Dinner isn't gonna cook itself," I interrupted.

"Fine, I'll get to work alright? What's wrong with you anyway?"

"Now, now, girls. Calm down. It's already 4.15 and we might not make all the food in time for dinner if we don't hurry."


It was 5.30, and just as I was finally done with cooking my part of the dinner and changing into my outfit for the night, dad came home.

"Lilith my princess! Hello Dalanie! And hey dear!" he chirped as he hugged all of us. "I've bought the gifts at great discounts!"

"Wowie! What did you get?" Lilith asked in her most innocent voice.

"You'll see on Boxing Day," he smiled. "As for our guests, you can see what they're gonna get later!"

"That's fantastic," mum said as she kissed dad on the cheek.

"Nice," I simply said, eyes glued to my laptop.

"You seem quite engrossed in something. What are you doing?" dad came over and asked.


"C'mon Dal, socialize. It's not harmful."

"Wait lemme kill this dude."

"Girls shouldn't play violent games, you know. Anyway, after you've finished him, come prepare the table. Mum's almost finished with the food and the guests should be here anytime soon."

This is one of the reasons why I love my dad. He's so understanding. Needless to say, I obeyed him.

"Ding dong!"

"Ah, our first guest. Get the door will you, Dal?" dad asked.

I nodded happily and went to get the door.

"Oh hello, Dalanie! Sorry to bother you, but most of my guests have arrived and I've already used up all the chairs in my house. Do you think you can spare me about two more?" our next door neighbour, Aunt Jeanne asked.

"I'll have to ask my mum first. Hang on a while, Aunt Jeanne."

"You need two more chairs? Sure, we have plenty! Here, are these foldable chairs alright?" mum asked, bringing them out.

The Bad Boy I Met On Christmas Eve [✔]Where stories live. Discover now