Suho shrugged, "His loss."

"Xiumin, when was the last time you ate?" Yixing poked him in the ribs.

"Um, I don't know. What day is it?"

"How will you survive without Sehun living with you anymore? I swear, one day we'll be like, 'Where's Xiumin?' and we'll find you in your house, dead, thinner than a post, with a schedule in one hand and your books in the other." Suho reprimanded.

"You make it seem like that would be a bad way to die." Xiumin smiled.

Suho just laughed and shook his head. "Come eat lunch with us, then you can go back to fretting over schedules."

"You guys are going to eat?"

"Well, we already did, but we still have some left over if you are hungry." Yixing replied.

"When am I not hungry, honestly." Xiumin shrugged shyly. Yixing and Suho laughed and lead Xiumin back to the classroom in the Light School.


Have you ever tried to round up about 180 jittery, excited, magic students into one small courtyard? Yeah, neither had Yixing, Suho, or Xiumin.

"Well fuck me in the ass with a rusty spoon." Xiumin sighed.

"Why would you do that? You could get so many diseases!" Yixing was astonished.

"What? No, not literally."

"I should hope not!"

"Anyways, how are we gonna do this? 60 kids per teacher? That doesn't seem safe. Each school with their teacher? That doesn't seem fair."

"Assign student leaders. 3 per group of about 20. Then all you have to do is keep up with 3." Suho suggested.

"That works." Xiumin walked to where his hoard of students awaited, "OK guys, here's the deal, Break up into your classes. Years 1 and 2, here, Year 3 here, and year 4 here. I will Appoint 1 student per group to keep track of you so don't do anything stupid. "Xiumin waited for the groups to form. He glanced over at the other schools. Suho's groups outnumbered his own at least 3:1. He looked back at his kids, maybe about 30 in all. "Year 4, your leader is Leeteuk, Year 3, Jackson, Years 1 and 2, Zelo."

"Yasss! Bow bitches."

"Jackson, don't make me change my mind."

"Yes sir."

With the student leaders in place, the walk to the ceremony was much simpler than it could have been. The students mingled and the teachers discussed where to stand to observe. 30 minutes later, they arrived. The grand courtyard was scattered with families, guards, and workers, all here to see the appointing of the guards. A large stage at the front signaled Suho where to lead the students. As they made their way to the front, the excited chatter got louder and louder.

"Professor Kim?"

"Yes?" Suho and Xiumin turned around at the same time and Zelo's face switched to surprise.

"Um... My professor."

Suho chuckled and turned away leaving Xiumin and his student alone.

"Professor, do you mind if i stand with you.... in case I have a question or something," Zelo's cuteness made Xiumin happy. Zelo was one of the few students he had made a real connection with. From what he had gathered, Zelo's parents were both magic wielders. His mother was a light wielder while his father was a Physical wielder and the General of the King's Army. In other words, he was the head honcho. In fact, Xiumin thought, He might be here today. He smiled and ruffled the taller boy's hair. His head was a good half foot above Xiumin's but he didn't care.

Demesne ¦¦ Hunhan, Taoris, Kaisoo, Baekyeol Where stories live. Discover now