Killian fell on the bed, his arms spreading out. I jumped on top of him and he chuckled, "This is nice." he said. "Thousands of miles away from all the troubles. We can do anything we want here."

I nodded, "Here I'm not Alpha, I don't have any work to do. My phone is being kept off. Come on, you can run your hang over off. You see those mountains? Their incredible. Actually allot of places here in Europe I noticed have large climbing mountains. We should move here."

He laughed, "Oh Oregon would just love to lose their best Alpha." he sarcastically said.He sat up grinning, "Come on,lets go start this honeymoon off in those mountains."


Zakaria and I walked into the room I was staying in. The walls were wooden, the Persian carpet was red, and the bed stood high as I looked around. I smiled as I looked around, "Wow, this so beats my room back home. I wonder who use to have this room?"

"A great-aunt." Zakaria said as he put my bags down. He walked over towards me smiling, "It is really nice you are here, Ellie."

I smiled up at him, "I seen allot of American already, I needed something overseas. The city is of course like every city but out here in the country? So beautiful." I said about his country. "Mat is right, I have seen hundreds of forests but something about the ones here is amazing."

He nodded as he looked down at me before he reached up and pulled my hair out behind my ears. His fingers brushed through my hair as his hands went rest against my head. My whole face heated up as I froze looking up at him, "'He's my friend'?" he mocked me from saying earlier.

My eyes lowered down to the ground, "You are my friend."

"You know I want more than that, Ellie."he said, one of his sliding down from my head to my cheek and rubbed his fingers against my face. I really wished he stopped though because I didn't wanna do anything stupid. Yes I knew he wanted more but I was scared of letting that happen."You don't need to be scared of me, Ellie. I would never do what he did to you."

I looked up at him, "Zak, I believe you. I just don't think I would be good enough-"

He smiled, "You're more than enough." he said. He placed his hand under my chin to tilt my head back. My hands balled into a tight fist as he leaned down and kissed me on the lips. It was a gentle kiss, not the kind where he would just grab and kiss me. This was something softer which I liked. Nothing pushing it too far.

I brought my hands up to his shoulders and held onto them as I pressed my lips against his. His hands went down to my back, holding me against him as he kissed me. I moved my lips along with his as he pressed against my lips harder a little. My arms snaked around his neck as we kissed for a few moments.

He finally pulled away, "Their getting ready to go out for the run. Tamaz wants me to come but I could stay if you like-"

I shook my head as I gave him a small smile, "No, you go. I'll just be unpacking here and you guy will be back for dinner. Have fun."

He nodded as he stepped back holding my hand, "Okay. We will not be long." He leaned down and kissed me on the forehead before he let go of my hand. I smiled a little before he turned and walked out of the room. I smiled a bit as I turned around feeling this strange feeling I haven't felt in awhile. It was a nice exciting feeling you get when you get a crush. I was so surprised with myself as I put my bag on the bed and opened it but I paused as I closed my eyes. I smiled widely as I giggled reliving the kiss I had with Zakaria few moments ago.

I heard everyone outside barking and howling. I walked over to the window and saw everyone in their wolf skin. They all jumped and played with each other like normal wolves do. I recognized Zakaria light brown wolf and he looked up at me. I smiled and waved to him. He bowed his head in an graceful kind of way.

"He's good." I heard behind me and I knew exactly who it belonged to. I waved again before turned to Ulric glaring at him at my doorway he leaned against.

I walked over to my bag, "Go away, Ulric. You're room at the bottom."

"Yeah, not so glamorous as this one." he said looking around.

I rolled my eyes, "Well you are an uninvited guest."

"This place has fifteen rooms and I get the small one downstairs. Look, that doesn't matter." he said. "I seriously felt something strange about him."

I scoffed as I turned around, "Oh do you? You're supposed to be staying out of the way." I said coldly asked I walked over to him. "And following us here was very stupid not to mention creepy, Ulric. I want you to stay away from me." I grabbed his arm and pushed him out of the room. He looked at me eye widen at how strong I was but I ignored me as I slammed the door on him.


Zakaria put his arm around me and pulled me close to him, "My brother allowing me to come back to America in two weeks. I am allowed to stay as long as I wish. I already asked your sister and she will let me." he said, making me smile at him. We were all sitting outside eating a big feast dinner but we all had our own conversation. "I promise we will not be apart."

"Good." I said as I took his hand in mine.

"Now all I need for you to say is you will be mine." he said as I stared at him for a moment before lowering my head.

It something every wolf girl wants to say because if she agrees, they'll both belong to each other. Elliot tried with meto make me his but I rejected him. Yes I did like Elliot, he was nice and sweet but I always knew I didn't love him. I have tried to make myself love him but I was scared. I looked up at Zakaria and wondered if those strong feelings were love. Was love the same feeling like how I love Mat, Killian, Clyde and Sofia, and the rest of my whole family? Last time I loved a boy, he broke my heart.

"Let me get back to you a little later with that answer." I said, making him frown. I smiled at him, "Just show me while I'm here why it would be a very good idea. So far, you're doing a good job."


We all looked at Zakaria and Aeriela amused at them smiling and laughing with each other.

"I have not seen our Zakaria look so in love." Lizaveta, Tamaz wife, said giggling as she rubbed her ready to give birth belly.

I smiled, "Ellie seems to smile a bit more now that she met him. Zakaria seems like a good guy, you helped raised a good guy Tamaz."

I heard Ulric snort behind us and I turned my head glaring at him. He was staring down at his cup of wine, looking annoyed as ever. I turned to look at Killian and nod my head to Ulric. He turned to look at his cousin before sighing heavily. He stood up and walked over, grabbing Ulric. Ulric dropped his drink as he was lifted up and they walked away.

I turned to Tamaz and Lizaveta smiling, "I would like to go back into that town we went through before we got here. All those cute little vintage like stores. My mother would love for me to bring back some wooden carved figurines."

"You may go anywhere you would like. My landis opened toyou." Tamaz said as he sat up. "I hope you don't mind me asking but how are the wild wolves? I am curious, only because we have our own wild wolves here. A large number, actually."

I stared at him for a moment and Killian came back without his cousin. I looked at him and he forced me a small smile, nodding his head to tell me it's gonna be okay now. I turned back to Tamaz, "It's going well, as I hoped it is. But Alpha Tamaz, not to be rude but this is mine and Killian honeymoon. I would like to leave work business back at home."

He smiled at me, grabbing his glass of wine and held it up, "To our guest-Zakaria." he said. Zakaria turned his head to look at us and he smiled, grabbing own glass and raised it.

"To everlasting friendship." Zakaria said, bring the glass up to his lips and chugged the wine down.

Call Of The Wild. Book ii.Where stories live. Discover now