Chapter 17 - Comfort

Start from the beginning

"Yes, you could. It means I don't mind being around you," he answered and finally got off me.

A wince left my lips as I sat up. Taking support of the seat, I raised myself to sit on the seat while placing a hand on my aching torso. Ugh, why did people always target my gut? Envy had punched me in the gut twice, then it was Greed – I wondered how many more I'd have to suffer...uff, that wasn't a pleasant thought.

"You look pretty messed up. Do you want to lie down?" When I looked at Envy again, he was smirking. I raised a brow when he patted his folded leg, silently indicating that I could use it as a pillow to lie down if I wanted to. I had to admit that it did look comfortable and I'm sure lying down would ease the pain I was feeling.

"You're actually offering for me to sleep on your lap? That's so out of character of you," I muttered, waving him off with my hand. I wondered how he would use it to threaten me or bully me...even though he didn't look like he would do that.

"I was just offering. You don't have to sleep on my lap if you don't want to," he replied, shrugging nonchalantly.

"Being a copy-cat now, are we? Although, I suppose I could take up the offer just this once. I'd definitely feel better lying down."

I got up and sat down next to him before lowering myself onto his lap. A few deep breaths were needed to ease the pain and it was replaced by an expression of curiosity when I noticed Envy watching me with an unreadable expression.

"What?" I asked only to have him smirk.

"Nothing. I still find you weird, especially since you're so comfortable around a monster like me."

There was a hint of self-offence in his tone. He looked away from me still trying to look prideful despite how he had confessed what he truly felt about humans and what they thought of him. It was sad to see him think so poorly of himself. A soft huff left my lips before I answered.

"You're not a monster, Envy. You don't have three pairs of hands, an extra hideous head, or horns, wings and a tail. You're just different. Every human is different too, and all of us have a demon inside us that reacts just like all you homunculi when faced with situations we don't like," I said, earning an expression of bewilderment. I then added some humor to make sure I didn't sound too philosophical, "And your lap is rather comfortable so why wouldn't I agree to use it to rest? Although, since I haven't slept on any other person's lap before, I can't say yours is the most comfortable."

"The feeling is mutual. You weight is comfortable, but since I haven't had anyone else sleep on my lap, I can't say if you're the most comfortable," he retorted and my brow twitched.

"Would you stop copying me? Jeez, how childish," I muttered and Envy burst into a full blown laughter.

A smile came to my lips too in satisfaction that I had changed his bitter mood for the better. I closed my eyes with a tired sigh, settling into the calmness and quietness that followed our conversation. Lying down like this on Envy's lap was indeed comfortable, just the right height and giving my neck necessary support. The gentle turbulence of the train added to the comfort and I was pulled into comfortable slumber a few minutes later.

Envy pov:

"Seriously though, I didn't think you'd actually agree to sleep on my lap. How can you really be so comfortable with a-"

I fell silent upon noticing that Arisa had fallen asleep. Her eyes were closed, her breathing deep, her body weight obvious on my leg. Despite waving a hand over her face, she did not stir in the slightest.

"You are strange," I mumbled, my voice soft so I wouldn't wake her.

I couldn't stop from observing her, the way her fringe fell over her eyes slightly and the rest of her long ebony hair fell over my legs reaching all the way to the floor, her long lashes and her soft-pink lips, her small, flawless face. I had never taken the time to observe a human like this before. Heck, I hadn't even bothered to observe my own so called homunculi comrades.

Reaching to Arisa's face, I moved her fringe off of her eyes. She sighed at that but didn't wake.

Not once had I expected her offer of friendship to be genuine. Not once had I expected her to provoke me, making me blurt out what I really felt about that b****** Hohenheim, the Fullmetal runt and his brother, and all the humans in general. I thought I would be laughed at and mocked and called a monster before she attempted to fight me despite her battered state. But...she had embraced me.

He gesture had me frozen, only for a moment though for it was a gesture I had never received from anyone before, and then tried to throw her off me. However, when she had confessed that she knew what it was like to be betrayed by someone we trusted, I had let her hold me. What she had said was beyond shocking. It was clear that she wasn't lying because her voice was soft and there was anger and pain in it.

She looked completely normal when she had let me go though, or perhaps she had suppressed her emotions to look unaffected while I continued to be flabbergasted. It was a few moments before I returned to my senses enough to question her about how and why and when she was betrayed. She had not answered though, calling it a topic she did not like to remember and then we had settled comfortably in each other's presence.

I was yet to fully understand why I had bothered to offer my lap for her to sleep on. But one thing was for sure – I didn't regret it or dislike it in the least.

A spark of pure joy had struck me when she had denied that I was a monster. Everyone called us homunculi as monsters. Perhaps part of it was our fault because I, for one, enjoyed killing humans, and we lived on human lives and looked different and were stronger. We always worked for our personal goals even if it meant killing humans or putting them in pain.

Additionally, Arisa had said that every human too had a demon inside themselves reflecting the feelings that we had. It was apt, I suppose, since we homunculi were named after man's seven sins, sins that caused pain and suffering to them. A human supporting the feelings of a homunculus, supporting my feelings of betrayal and distrust was thoroughly welcoming.

Ever since I was created and thrown away by the man who was supposed to be my father, I despised everyone. Though I had never admitted it, I had always longed to be treated like a human, like a normal person, and that's just what Arisa did. I had never come across a human like her before in all the years I had lived. More than how she saw me as nearly as normal as others around her, I couldn't annoy her with insults because she always seemed to have a comeback. I couldn't threaten her because she wasn't afraid of anything. She trusted her friends and wanted to protect them, even if it meant having to lose her own life.

The fact that she saw us homunculi as she did humans was more consolation than anything else. She had embraced me, consoled me, and was now sleeping on my lap – they were all proof of that she was different from the other brainless, self-obsessed humans.

"Arisa," her name left my lips involuntarily.

It was a moment later that I lifted her shirt to check her injury again, making her groan and scrunch up her face. She didn't wake though, probably exhausted from the pain and all that had happened. Her bruise was a deep purple, almost black patch on her stomach and it roused deep irritation in me and anger at Greed, so much so that I wanted to tear him to pieces. It was another feeling I hadn't thought I would feel because of a human, for a human.

Of course, the old hag had said that she had already taken necessary measures to deal with Greed. It would have been nice if I could have personally beaten that idiot for harming Arisa, but I didn't want to seem weak in front of the old hag so I let her lead the Fullmetal brat to take care of it. I had to bottle up all the irritation and leave from her mansion so I could ease my frustration somehow. And I was glad that I left.

Tugging Arisa's shirt down, I shifted my gaze to the landscape outside the window. My brows furrowed, finding these new surfacing emotions frustrating. I didn't know what to do about them. I couldn't understand them and I didn't want to either.

But I did know that I wanted to be around Arisa and I didn't want anyone to hurt her. There was finally one person who treated me like I wanted to be treated and I didn't want anyone to take her away from me.


Oh my, Arisa and Envy are getting a little comfy around each other, aren't they? ;)




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