"I was thinking tonight we can just practice some small skills for an hour or two on the pitch?" Hunter asked and I nodded in some ways excited for our coaching session later.

"Okay, I'll meet you here after school, but I have the last two periods free so if you do we can do it then instead?" I asked Hunter curiously.

"I have two periods free, so yeah I'll meet you here at the start of period five" Hunter told me with a big grin on his face.

"Okay I'll see you then. My friends have seriously been annoying me all morning, they keep asking why you're coaching me because they all think you're a total dick" I spoke cautiously not wanting to cause offence, but Hunter laughed it off not seeming bothered at all.

"Well tell them I'm not a dick, and that I'll prove it sometime. Anyways since today is the last day of school till summer break, Ollie and I are hosting a party at his, do you and your friends want to come? I'll pick you up at six?" Hunter asked me.

"Yeah I'll text them after school, thanks, anyway better listen to coach, don't want any extra laps do we" I told Hunter smirking before joining the rest of the team because coach had an announcement to make.

"Like every year we choose the stronger players, and get rid of the week to form the school team, so today I wanted to congratulate all of you for making the team. I also wanted to tell you something, as of this year and future years we have decided to take the whole team away on a five day team building holiday camp" Coach informed us before taking in some air and then speaking once more

"I have forms here for you to give your parents, to confirm you can go ring or text the number on this form to let me know if you can go or not. I hope all of you can make this trip as this will build our relationships and skills as a team" Coach finished off and if I was being honest the trip sounded really good, I definitely won't be missing it.

I don't know how I would get away with going away for a full five days as a boy, but I'm going to go on the trip anyway because I need to get to know the team better. Besides I have Tyler, Kyle, Caleb, Ollie and Hunter at my service to help me at all times, plus I can trust them. Coach put all the envelopes on a pile at the water bottle holder before ordering us to do two laps of the pitch.

I did the two laps but this time my pace was faster and I was all the way at the front of the line, even the legendary Hunter and the legend Ollie were behind me, well that was until the last lap came round. I was just about to pass the line but was surprised when Hunter sprinted past me smirking causing me to get faster. Hunter being the cocky boy he walked in slow motion as if he knew he was going to win, but then I swooped in front sprinting past him and crossing the finishing line with a victorious smirk

"Well you sure have a talent for running Sky-Damon that was a clever move you pulled a minute ago" Hunter told me, slipping up on my name which earned him a glare

"You do realize people are going to think you're gay sometime soon, you do realize all the guys" I told Hunter causing him to laugh

"Right everyone get into two teams please, reds and blues, then we will have a sixty minute game and finish for the day" Coach told all of us 'boys' causing me to get really excited. Because it was a small seven sided game and we got to choose teams I was with Ollie, Hunter, Kyle, Caleb, Toby and Scott which seemed like a team with a good chance of winning

Ollie gave out positions to everyone putting me back in defence with Caleb. I stood there on the right of Caleb until coach blew the whistle. At first Ollie and Hunter: the dream team, were keeping the ball up at the top of the pitch until one guy randomly booted the ball all the way to our me and Caleb who were in defence

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