Chapter 48

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Jenna's P.O.V.

Harry stormed out of the house. Good, I thought. I didn't want to see him ever again. I was gonna find my baby and us the hell out of here. Niall was keeping an eye on me, but he will help me. He is too kind to say no. I finally got up off the floor. My legs nearly gave out. The perks of sitting on your knees for so long. I got up and his blue eyes flashed to me instantly. He looked shocked that I moved.

"Come on Niall." I said.

"What are you doing?" He grabbed my arm. I yanked my arm out of his grip.

"I'm going to get my baby back and your coming with me." I said with gritted teeth.

"No we have to wait for Harry."

"Harry is probably doing the same thing I am so we may just run into him. We have to go now MOVE IT!" I screeched. He didn't say another word and followed me out to the car. I had no clue where to go, but luckily Harry had a chip in his phone and I could track it. He did the same thing to me before we got together. I got it to work and we had a location.

Harry's P.O.V.

I was across the street from the pricks house. I loaded my gun and packed extra clips in my belt. I got out and walked to the front door. I pressed the barrel of the gun to the lock and shot it out. I kicked open the door.



"I know your in here." I heard a little scuffling upstairs and I smirked. I made my way to the top and stopped to listen. I didn't hear anything.

"Come on. I know your hiding like the little bitch you are. Just come out and make this a little easier on me." I came upon the first bedroom and opened the door. It was empty from what I could see. I checked under the bed and in the closet. Still nothing. I went to the next one and this time I heard whispering. I opened the door and there he stood. He had a gun pointed at a bundle of blankets and a big ugly smiled plastered on his face. His teeth were yellow and rotten.

"Hello Harry. I'm afraid it ends here. Now that I have the upper hand," he paused and pulled the trigger. "Let's have some fun." He smiled

"Nooooooooo!" I fell to my knees and wrapped my face in my hands. "You fucking monster." I got up and charged at him. I tackled him to the floor and aimed many blows to his face. He didn't seem bothered by it. He pushed me off him and got to his feet. I felt and blow to my side as I tried to get up, but was shoved down every time. I was too hurt to move. I stayed on the floor motionless. He stepped over my body and walked out. I heard more footsteps downstairs and gunshots were being fired. That was the last thing I heard before darkness submerged me.

Niall's P.O.V.

I told Jenna to stay in the car. She didn't need to see what was about to take place in there. I walked in and saw Daniel coming down the stairs. He drew his gun and started firing. I took cover behind a wall. I felt a stinging sensation in my right arm. I looked at it and realized I was grazed by a bullet. I covered the little wound.

I quickly turned and shot back hitting him in his leg. He cried out and fell to the floor. I came from behind the wall and stepped over him.

"Any last words?"

"I'll be seeing you all real soon." He sneered.

"I doubt that." I spat.

"Your all not innocent."

I put the barrel to his head and pulled the trigger. Blood spattered on my face and the wall. I wiped what I could off and walked up stairs. I heard rough breathing in the second room. I couldn't believe what I saw. There was blood and blankets in a small pile near the closet. Harry was on the floor barely breathing. I quickly went to his side and helped him up. I shook him and he didn't stir. I picked him up and carried him out of the house.

Jenna was already in tears when I came out.

"Where's the baby..." she choked out. I couldn't say anything. Words could not describe how sorry I was for her. I just shook my head. She looked down and put her face in her hands. I put Harry in the back and quickly got in. I drove the car and went way over the speed limit. I was taking him to the hospital. Jenna didn't budge the entire drive. She silently cried while Harry was still unconscious.





Love you!!

~ Tori

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