A little thank you note.

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I have reached 135 views and I'm crapping my pants. Its amazing to see how many of you are interested and I hope I'm doing a good job. You guys are inspiring me and I can't thank you enough. Tomorrow I have a doctor appointment because I had to go through two surgeries during the summer. I injured me knee and I don't reccomend jumping on trampolines. So I will be updating a lot!! I will probably post 4 updates tomorrow just because you are awesome. I'm very thankful for you all reading. I hope you enjoy the rest of the story and I keep your interest. I love you all and if you would like to since I don't have any cover photos you could make some and send them to my on Kik. Thank you so much!!


Kik: KevinColorful

The Dark OneOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz