Chapter 21

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I woke up from my nap and this time I was able to move. It felt so good. I was so stiff and I had to pee! I rushed to find the bathroom and found it a few doors down. Once I finished my business I looked in the mirror. I saw a bandage around my neck and I couldn't seem to remember how I got it. Everything was blurry. I went downstairs and found Harry asleep. I shook him awake and asked him about my neck.

"You don't remember?"

"No everything is blurry." He was shirtless and I saw a huge bandage on his side. "WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU?" I was worried and scared.

"Do you remember being kidnapped?"


"Well can you remember anything after that?"

"I was trapped in a basement. That's it now answer me."

"I came down just in time before he almost killed you. He disappeared and I came to your side. He appeared out of darkness and stabbed me. I'm ok though. He didn't hit anything major."

"But still Harry. You got hurt because of me." I felt really bad.

"No no no. Don't blame yourself love. We are both ok and that's all I want for you. I won't let anyone hurt you. I promise."

I felt safe with him. I no longer was scared or even the slightest bit traumatized. I've seen it all before. I've been through hell and back. Harry meant something to me. I cared about him and I'm glad he is ok. I don't care if I was or not. He mattered to me the most. I grabbed his face and pulled it towards mime. He kissed me back hungrily. We both craved each others touch. My hands tangled in his hair as his hands traveled to my hips. He started to kiss down my neck as I let out a soft gasp. He stopped right before he reached my sweet spot. My stomach growled and I giggled.

"Well I'm going to make breakfast."

"No your gonna finish what you started."

"Maybe after breakfast." I teased.

"I'll fucking take you right here right now." He said jokingly, but sounded serious.

"I'm fine with a nice breakfast and maybe some kissing." I blushed.

"Fine....your not completely off the hook though." He winked.

I rolled my eyes and walked off to the kitchen. I started making eggs and I felt a tight squeeze on my bum. I jumped and turned around to smack him with the spatula.


"If you can't handle the heat get out of the kitchen." I sucked at joking.

"That's nice for a bad joke." He retorted.

"You want it again?" I asked raising the spatula.

He slowly backed away putting his hands up. "No ma'am."

"Good." I finished making our food and made us both a plate. He finished before me and tried to act like he was still hungry and take my plate. I still had the spatula so I smacked his hand with it.

"I take my food seriously so unless you want to chased down I would stop." He smirked and slowly reached for my plate again. I got up and moved towards him. He took off with me not too far behind. I smacked his bum a couple of times before he stopped to turn around. I ran right into him making both of us fall over.

"Its a pretty nice view having you on top of me." He winked again.
"Harry!" I squealed. I got off him and stalked back to the kitchen to do the dishes. He came in behind me laughing.

"You are such a pervert."

"Come on I know you love it. I can tell by the way it makes you blush."

I just rolled my eyes and finished in the kitchen. I went back to the room to get a change of clothes and take a shower.

"Mind if I join you?"

"I'm fine by myself thank you."

"I know. I figured I would add a little more to the shower though."

"Again no thank you. Bye Harry." I closed the door and locked it. I got undressed and took a hot shower. I let the water linger over my body felt so good. It felt like ages since I had one.  I loved how mine and Harry's relationship had grown. It was middle seeing him act playful instead of being rude and hateful. I adored him. He made me feel sparks every time we touched. It was magical every time our lips locked together. Maybe this could go somewhere. I hope. I wish I could tell Harley....I sighed and ended my shower.

I got out of the bathroom and sat on the couch. I couldn't stop thinking about home. I missed it. Harry sat next to me, but I acted like I didn't notice.

"Baby what's wrong?"

"I miss my family.." I let the tears I was holding out. He hugged me and pulled me onto his lap. I couldn"t control the sobs escaping my mouth.

"Let me help you take away your pain." He whispered.


He made me look at him and kissed me. It was passionate and absolutely amazing. He rested his hands on my hips and my hands went to his hair. I could get over how soft his curls always felt. I felt his hand go up my shirt and I pulled away.

"No Harry..." I said.

"Please.....let me help you."

"Harry I just want to make sure their ok....I want to call them."

"I can't let you just yet. Let me take your mind off of them." He tried to kiss me again, but I wouldn't let him.

"Jenna please.."

"I can't Harry please..."

"Just let me hold you. I won't force you to do something your not ready for." He cradled me and I liked it. He kept planting soft kisses to my forehead and soon I fell asleep.


It almost happened, but not yet. ;)





Love you!!!!


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