Chapter 38

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We went to dinner, but it was cut short because I vomited.
I have the flu and it sucks. I can't hold anything down and I'm embarrassed. Harry won't let me leave the room. His room was much bigger than mine. It had a bathroom inside it. Everything was black in here. He kept it clean and that's shocking. He helped me with everything. Harley was trying to make some homemade soup that would make my stomach feel better. The doctor appointment was in tow days. I'm excited to find out whether my baby is a boy or girl. I could feel it moving around. It seemed active today. I felt a pain and it hit me before I could move. I threw up all over the bed sheets. Now I see what your up to. Making mommy sick are we? I thought and pushed a little.  Harry burt s through the door and immediately took me to his bathroom.

"Awe baby." He said trying to sooth me.

"I'm sorry." I croaked.

"Its ok. I know you can't help it. I'll get them cleaned off don't worry love."

"The baby started moving. It made me sick." I laughed weakly.

"Oh really?" He leaned done to my stomach. "Hey you take it easy on your mommy. You can give us a hard time when you get here. Not before." He kissed my stomach. I laughed at him and just watched him whisper to the baby. It was beautiful.

"You should take a bath. It might help you relax." He helped me undress. I didn't say anything. I needed one. He started the bath water and poored bath bubbles in. I sat down in the warm water and closed my eyes. This felt nice. I can't remember the last time I had a bath like this.

"I'm gonna go change the sheets." I nodded and he left.  I really hope its a girl. I really want her to be like me. The thought of having a little person like you just amazes me. Harry wanted a boy. It didn't shock me one bit. My bath had to come to an end. I was tired and I know if I don't get out I'll sleep in here. I drained the water and got out. It was cold so I covered myself with a towel and went to grab one of Harry's shirts and my underwear. The sheets were already changed so I climbed in and quickly fell asleep.

*Few days later*

We were on our way to the doctor appointment. Harley begged me to come, but I told her no because we were finding out what we are having and I wanted to reveal it at the reveal party which was tomorrow. We already had so much to do and I was stressed already. Partially because I didn't have anything decorated! I sighed and looked out the window.

"What is it love?" He asked me in his cute british accent.

"Just stressed about the party. I have nothing decorated."

"Don't worry. We have plenty of people to help us." He grabbed my hand and squeezed it.

"I know." I smiled.

Soon we arrived and we were waiting to be called back. I was nervously shaking my leg. It calms me for some reason. The door opened and I tensed up, but the lady didn't call my name. I shrunk down a little in disappointment.

"Its ok. We should be next sweetheart." He tried to cheer me up a little. It was gonna have to take a little more than that cause I was dying on the inside. The door opened again and finally yes finally its my turn. I walked into the small room and did the usual routine. I lay down and pull my shirt up while the doctor puts on the freezing gel. Once that was over with I heard the familiar sound of the baby's heartbeat.

"Sounds like you have a very healthy baby." The doctor smiled. "Would you like to know the sex?"

Here it is. The moment we have been waiting for. I was about to jump out of my skin. I shook my head yes and nearly screamed when she said the words I was hoping she would say.


Late chapter and a cliff hanger. I am updating again later so don't worry! I love and appreciate every one of you. Also this probably doesn't matter cause it has nothing to do with the book, but my gineau pig got her tooth stuck on her cage and ripped it out. Poor baby! Today has been eventful so please take it easy on me!!





Love you!!


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