Chapter 8

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I couldn't believe what I said to him. I am scared of him, but I'm not going to be treated like a child. He can't boss me around like that. He didn't say anything. He just stood there. Me on the other hand I'm still pressed against the wall. "Can you let me go now?" He smiled and looked at me.

"Why would I do that? I kinda like you being helpless and me in control." he started pushing his hips into mine. His grip got tighter around my wrists. "Your hurting me." He didn't saying anything. His hand traveled up to my face and stopped. He was caressing my cheek looking into my eyes. For a second I thought he was gonna kiss me, but he never made a move. His grip was getting painful now. "Harry that hurts. Let me go!" I managed to pull a hand free and shoved him away. It didn't do much, but my other hand got free and it collided with his cheek.

He didn't even flinch. "You shouldn't have done that." he smirked sinisterly. He pounced on me making me fall. With him on top of me it was hard to breath. "" I can't remember what happened cause I blacked out.

I woke up and it was dark. I got up and went to the door. It was unlocked this time. I felt thirsty so I went to the kitchen to make a drink. I didn't hear anything so I went in hoping I wouldn't run into anyone. I let out a breath when no one was here. I made a glass of water and decided I should eat. I looked through the pantry and got the ingredients to make spaghetti. I browned the ground beef and the noodles were boiling. I was waiting for the garlic bread to be finished when I heard the front door shut.

The kitchen door opened and Harry came in. He looked at me and smirked. "Smells good." he complimented. I didn't bother saying thanks. I didn't want to talk to him. He grabbed a beer from the fridge and sat at the island. There's goes my chance of being alone.

"Since your staying here you might as well get used to not seeing me during the day. I leave at 9:00 in the morning and get home around 7:30 sometimes 8:00 p.m. at night. Don't think I'm avoidable cause I will make my presence known."

"Since I 'have' to talk to you mind telling me your real age?"

"I'm 20."

"Why did you lie about your age?"

"They wouldn't let a 20 year old in high school now would they?"

"Why would you even want anything to do with that place? Of all places why did you choose that one?"

"Because you were there love."

"Why me?"

Just as he was about to answer the buzzer went off and the bread was done. The noodles were done shortly after. I mixed everything together and made my plate. I sat down across from Harry and twirled some noodles on my fork.

"Where's my plate?"

"You can make your own. Your physically capable of doing so." I said taking a bite of bread.

"Your supposed to make my plate for me."

"I'm not your servant. Make your own."

"Fine." He leaned across the counter and took my plate. I glared at him as he began eating what was left. I sighed and started washing pots and pans. Once I was finished I went to grab some night clothes and head to the shower. Once I was undressed I heard a knock on the door. "I'm in here." I said loud enough to hear.  The door knob jiggled and it cracked open. I grabbed a towel and quickly covered myself. "HARRY!"

He giggled. "I need a shower can you hurry up? Unless I can join you."

"Hell no. get out."

"I'll let that slide since you look so attractive in just a towel. You have 10 minutes before I come in anyways."

With that he closed the door and was gone. I took a quick 5 minute shower and went straight to my room. I put on some shorts and a t-shirt that hung one shoulder. I couldn't sleep so I went to the kitchen to make tea. I don't know why, but it helps me sleep. I put water in the kettle and put it on the stove. I waited for it to whistle and quickly grabbed it. Without thinking to get a mitten I touched it and burnt my entire hand. I screamed and ran for the sink. Cold water soothed it for a little, but the s ringing didn't ease.

"WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?" Harry said busting into the kitchen.

"I b-burnt my h-hand." I stuttered.

"Here." he grabbed a first aid kit from under the sink and pulled out some bandages and some soothing cream. I flinched at first, but it felt so good once he wrapped it. He finished making the tea and handed me a cup. I was about to walk away, but he stopped me.


"What?" I snapped. I didn't want to spend another second longer with him.

"Nothing never mind. Just go."

I walked back up the stairs to my room and shut the door. I set my cup on the night stand and got comfortable. Before I could finish my tea my eyes got heavy and I fell asleep.

The next morning I woke up and checked the time. It was 7:50 a.m. Ugh I guess I should get up and start the day otherwise it would just be another fight between me and Harry. I got dressed and headed downstairs to make breakfast.


Thank you all for reading. I apologize if there is anything spelled incorrectly. I will do my best to keep it from happening.


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