Chapter 16

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"What?" Harry looked surprised by what I said. Even though I wasn't too fond of him, I sure as hell wasn't sleeping with that big animal in my room.

"Sleep in my room with me." I said nervously.


I stood there awkwardly until he went back to his desk and started filling out papers. I decided to go take a shower. I was tired and it wasn't even 6:00 p.m. I went to lay down and relax. Nearly escaping and being tackled by a dog really takes its toll on you. My body really ached now. I got back up and went down to the kitchen. I got some painkillers and a glass of water.

I got a pop tart and took it upstairs. I laid there eating it. After I was done I tried to relax. My eyes felt heavy and I fell asleep.

I woke up when hbo bed dipped down beside me. I turned over and saw Harry. I was relieved he was here instead of the dog.

"Sorry I didn't mean to wake you."

"Its ok.....thank you." I mumbled. I hoped he wouldn't catch the last part, but he did. He turned to face me and looked confused.

"For what?"

"Not hitting me when I was in trouble. That's the first time no one has ever hit me while being angry at me."

"I felt bad for what I know." He looked pained remembering it all. "What happened before I showed up and screwed everything up?"

"I can't talk about it..."

"You can tell me anything. I won't judge you."

"Its not that. I just don't want to remember."

"You can always open up to me. I care for you Jenna."


I explained to him what all my dad put me through and how my mom ended up in the hospital. I cried a little, but he grabbed my had and rubbed soothing circles into it. That always seemed to help me. When he touches me. No wait a minute. I can't like this. Its wrong! Once I finished telling my story I was taken in by a hug.

It didn't take me even a second to react and hug him back. I snuggled into the crick of his neck and breathed in his lovely scent. I could get used to this, I thought. No you won't. My subconscious said.

I hated arguing with myself. I needed some sort of comfort since my mom or Harley weren't here. Oh I miss them so much. Just thinking about them made me cry even harder.

"Jenna baby calm down." He cooed.

I couldn't do it though. I needed them. I hugged him tighter and he kept saying soothing things in my ear. I needed this comfort. I needed him. I can't fight it anymore. I leaned back a little bit until I was looking him in the eyes. I leaned forward and placed a small kiss on his lips. I pulled back only to be shoved forward. He crashed his lips into mine. This was amazing. Our lips fit together so perfectly. It felt like magic. I was alive again. We kissed for awhile until I pulled away. I released my arms from around him and turned over.

Neither one of us said a word. I smiled on the outside, but the inside I was a train wreck. How am I suppost  to like the most dangerous man in England? Oh yeah I'm not!! Did he like me back? Why am I even thinking about this? I can't he is my kidnapper. This cannot happen. I won't let it. Ugh, but I'm so tired of arguing with him and I'd be lying to myself if I said I didn't fancy him. Of course I want him.

I need to sleep. I'm sure he will be ready to ask questions or something tomorrow. Soon my eyes felt heavy again and I drifted into darkness.

Harry's P.O.V.

She was asleep. God damn she looked so fucking cute. I didn't want to stop kissing her. Or touching her. She was an amazing kisser. Fuck. I want her. I fucking need her. I want to make her see that I'm not all the bad. I will prove to her that I'm good. But how? Donate to a charity or some shit. I don't know. I just hope I can make us happen. I don't want to be with her for one night like all the others. I just wanted her. I want to wake up next her with my arm wrapped around her waist hugging her perfect body so close to mine. I will do whatever it takes. She is mine. She mumbled something in her sleep.

"Harry......" she whimpered.

"Shhhhhhh I'm here." I cooed.

"I need you...."

Damn. I needed her too. She probably won't remember this tomorrow. That hurt a little. What if she really doesn't want me and yes me for what we did? I couldn't live with myself if that happened. I tried to lay as close to her as I could without waking her. I quickly fell asleep to her soft breathing.

Jenna's P.O.V.

I woke up to nearly being smothered by Harry.

"Harry get off me." I jabbed him in the side, but he didn't budge. I heard a soft snore coming from him. I giggled and just starred at him. He was so cute. Last night was amazing. I told myself I would be lying to myself if I didn't fancy him. I tried to wake him up, but he rolled off of me instead.

I got up and went to shower. My bruises were darker thn yesterday. Ugh I wish they would disappear already. I took a long shower and decided I would do my hair and make up today. I curlled my hair and did my winged eye makeup. Once I was finished I put on a crop top and some ripped blue jean shorts.

I made breakfast and waited for Harry to join me this time. I really wanted to do something today, but I don't see that happening after yesterdays events. I guess I will just have to suck it up. Harry came through the door and stopped to look at me. He looked me up and down without even hiding it.

"Nice shorts" he winked.

I could get used to this I thought. A little blush creeping up to my cheeks.



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Love you bye!!


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