Chapter 47

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Harry dropped me off at my moms. I have tonight to pack and I'll be home. I'm glad we worked things out and I got new information. I was about to put the key in the door, but it was already open. What? I walked in and everything was trashed. There were holes in the walls and something splattered on the wall. I turned on a light and it was red. My senses came to me and I realized it was blood! Where's my baby? Where is Louis? I followed the trail of blood to my room. I opened it and louis was sitting up against the wall covered in his own blood.

"LOUIS!" I screamed and rushed to his side.

"Jenna..." he was barely audible.

"What on earth happened?" I said trying to stop he bleeding from his shoulder and arm. He tensed up as I applied pressure.

"A man....he said he knew you....I wouldn't give him information. He s-hot me and......" he started to fall asleep.

"No Louis stay with me." I shook him lightly.

"He....took.....her....." tears streamed down his face.

"No...." I was almost hystarical. I pulled out my phone and called Harry. I screamed and cried trying to tell him what happened. He said he would be here in 5 minutes or less. I waited and looked around. There was something dark in the corner of the living room. My moms comforter was wrapped around something with a note on top. I took the note and read:

I told you I would be back. Hope you like my present. - Dad

I put the paper down and slowly unraveled the blanket. I fell to my knees and screamed. This can't be happening. No it can't. I'm dreaming.

"WAKE UP! WAKE UP!" I screamed and hit myself. My attempts of waking up to something different had failed miserably. Why me? This is all Harry's fault! If he had just left me alone none of this would've happened! I could be with my mom, my sisters, and not thousands of miles away from home. I heard door open, but I didn't turn around or make an attempt to move.

Harry's P.O.V.

She was in a corner. I couldn't tell what was in front of her, but it had to be horrendous. She didn't turn around or even aknowledge my presence. I started walking closer and saw what was in front of her. I gasped and covered my mouth. There laying in front of her was her mother. She looked at me and I looked into her eyes. There was nothing in them, but pure rage. She quickly stood up and started pushing me.

"This is all your fucking fault! If you wouldn't have taken me none of this would've happened! Your a monster Harry Styles! A GOD DAMN MONSTER!" She punched me one last time and started sobbing into her hands. I backed away and saw this blood trail. It led me to a bedroom. I found Louis in the floor sitting up on the wall. I had already called the boys and they should be here any minute.

"Louis I called the boys. They'll be here shortly. Just hold on.." I said.

"I t-tried to protect her.....they.....they took her..." he was crying.

"Took who?" I was scared of what he was gonna say.

"Darcy.....I'm so s-sorry.." he stuttered.

My stomach dropped. I felt pure anger brew in my stomach. I couldn't help the tears that fell silently down my face. I had to leave. Get out of here. I had to go now. I knew who did this. I was gonna find the bastard and put him where he belongs. Dying would be too nice for him. I'm gonna make him suffer. I will make him feel every bit of pain he caused Jenna and her family. Tonight he will take his final breath.

I'll be the last thing he sees.

Please don't hate me for this one!





Love you!!


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