ending note

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I'm afraid to tell you that there will not be a third book in this series. I've fallen out of love with Skylar and this story so I hope you can forgive me. On the bright side, you did see the wedding day! I hope it turned out how you wanted :)

Aaaannnndddd I'm working on a bunch of new stories that may or may not be published by the time I've posted this so check those out or stay tuned.

Also, check out my existing stories and tell me what you think either by commenting or sending me a direct message.

Thank you so much for an amazing year and a half of different/torn. I never would have expected this silly little story to become so important to me and loved by so many people.

Thank you for all the reads and lovely comments and votes and all that jazz. Thank you so much for all your support- I hope the ending did you proud. I also want to say thank you to absolutely everyone who's read at least one word of this book- who's been here since the very beginning or only just joined the family (welcome!) thank you so much for everything.

Peace, Love and Rubber Gloves

Megan xx

(Twitter- dazedjohnsons, Instagram- megxnjohnson, kik- megannjohnson_)

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