I noticed Jaheem from the corner of my eye walking towards us and my mood changed immediately. I asked Darnell to excuse me and I went into my empty room to avoid talking to Jaheem.

"V!", he called.


"Why are you acting like this Victoria?", he said grabbing my arm from behind.

"And when exactly did I start owing you an explanation for anything I do huh? Was it before or after we broke up Jaheem?", I snapped and released his grip on me.

He was speechless.

I sucked my teeth at him, walked towards the bathroom and shut the door behind me.
Within seconds Jaheem stormed in, slammed the door behind him and walked towards me.

"Jaheem just go, I don't want to talk to you right now", I spat.

"If this is about what happened on the plane mad what I said to Malia then let me explain V"

"Talk your shit", I answered rudely, crossing my hands in front of my chest, preparing myself for the bullshit. I was expecting a faultless performance.

"If you've spoken to Malia already then I apologize for whatever she said to you. I was confused at the time. The whole Alexa thing was an accident-"

"Oh so your lips just fell onto hers and y'all just accidentally started making out? Is that what you're trying to say?", I cut him off.

"It was just one meaningless kiss. She came onto me and I pushed her away. Malia probably didn't see that part", he said while coming closer to me and cupping my face, "C'mon V lets not argue over this shit. We're in Paris baby!" He chuckled. "It's wintertime. I want to be happy encased in warm kisses and blankets with my girlfriend", he said softly leaning in for a kiss.

"No Jah. I'm done with all of this.", I said slapping his hands off me. "Being with you is getting too damn painful for me. You keep breaking my heart and I can't take it anymore."

"Baby I said I was sorry. Let's just forget about it."

"We can't keep sweeping shit under the rug", I said. "Things haven't been straight between us for a while and you know this."

"So let's talk shit out, right here right now." He said with a flat tone, his eyes never leaving me.

"I want things to go back to the way they used to be Jah, but it seems as if it's too late for that now." I said exasperated from the conversation already.

I could hear the music from the other room getting louder. J. Cole's 'Forbidden Fruit' was playing now it was the Hucci remix.

"I want that too V! You can't be thinking of breaking up over some dumb shit like this.", he said. His dissatisfaction grew into anger. His eyes darkened and he moved in closer, it was more threatening this time. His hands were clenched into fists. Jaheem had never been this upset before and seeing him like this made my stomach turn.

"Jaheem I think you should just go.", I croaked. He had a deliberate forcefulness in each step he took towards me. "You're scaring me.", I said. His nonchalant manner infuriated me. "Jaheem!" I yelled, pushing him away from me. I managed to put some distance between us.

My eyes widened when he sank to his knees and began to mutter something inbetween sobs. It took me off guard. I got down to his level and he pulled me in for a kiss. I kissed him back with more fervour than I ever had before. It was a wet, salty, tender and intoxicating kiss. My hands ran slowly up into his thick hair, down his shoulders, along his strong arms and around his brawny back holding his body tightly against mine. We sat there kissing and kissing in the bathroom of room 3F.

"I love you.", I whispered against his lips.

The next morning I was eager to talk to Malia about what had happened the previous night. Not concerning me though. I wanted to know how the night ended for everybody else. I thought my night was uneventful and nobody would even care to hear about it. I was wrong of course.

"So is it true?" Malia asked. She could tell from the blank expression I had on my face that I had no idea what she was talking about so she continued, "Oh you haven't heard."

"Is what true?", I asked automatically.

"You and Jaheem had sex last night? In the bathroom?"

I couldn't contain myself, I just burst out laughing. "Are you serious? Is that what everybody is saying?"

"Well you were in there for a long time", she said.

"Yeah we had a lot of things to talk about."

"So you guys didn't have sex?"

"No M", I chuckled, "Why do you look so disappointed?" I knew Malia better than to ask her that so I rephrased my question and asked her what she had done instead.

"Father forgive me for I have sinned", she said with her eyes closed and her hands a little shaky.

"Speak my child"

"I had sex with Nate, raw"

Memoirs of a discontented teenWhere stories live. Discover now