I'll Be Here Through It All

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Imagine you go to Hell, but you were tortured with emotional pain instead of physical.

Words: 1753

**TW** There's some bad parts. Not super bad, but I want to give a warning just in case.

*Sam's POV*

"Dean, I have to get her out of there!"

"Listen, she's strong! You know what it's like in Hell-" Dean starts.

"That's exactly it! We've both been to Hell. We know what she's going through and we need to get her out!" I interrupt him.

"And we will! We just can't right now. We can't rush into this, because we will make a mistake. Your not going to sell your soul to get her out. You won't make the same mistake as me. We can figure something else out. We just need a plan." Dean reasons.

"Fine, but we are going to get (Y/N) back. No matter what." I sigh. Dean puts a hand on my shoulder.

"We will. I know you love her, but you can't do anything stupid. She wouldn't want that."

"Yeah, I know."

*Your POV*

You slowly open your eyes and find that your in your bed at the bunker like nothing happened, but you remember getting seriously hurt on your last hunt. Didn't that werewolf attack you? Didn't it claw your stomach? You look down and see nothing, not even a scratch on you. Maybe Cas came to your rescue?

You swing your legs over the side of your bed and walk to the kitchen. Sam are Dean sitting at the table. Dean has a beer like always and Sam is doing research, like always. Sam. He looked so cute hunched over the little laptop. You've always liked him since the moment you first met him. Over time that little crush you had developed into something more, you might even say you love him.

"Morning boys!" You yawn and walk over to the fridge to hopefully get some orange juice.

"(Y/N)." They both say in unison.

"Woah, that was creepy. Did you plan that out or something?" You laugh, "What happened last night?"

"You messed up." Dean stands up and walks over to you.

"I know, but how am I ok? I got hurt last night. Did Cas save me or something?" You ask confused.

"You were so stupid last night. You're a crappy hunter. You suck and I don't know why we even let you join us. You're one of the worst hunters I have ever met." Dean says walking closer with every word.

"I don't understand? Is this some kind of joke, because it's not funny, asshole." You say and push him away.

"It's not a joke. I'm just finally telling you the truth for once. I'm just so tired of always hiding how much I hate you." Dean snaps.

"Sam? What's going on?" You say, hoping he'll stop this.

"He's right." He doesn't even look at you. You have to be imagining this.

"What?" You breathe out.

"I said Dean is right! You never listen do you?" Sam yells, getting louder with every word. You flinch and look between both of them.

"No words now, huh? That's new. Where's that big mouth of yours?" Dean laughs.

"Why are you acting like this?" You whisper.

"Because we're so sick of your bullshit! We're done letting you stay here and we're done acting like you're one of us, because you're not and you never will be. We're done pitying you. We tried, but we just can't stand you anymore." Sam says. You feel tears form at your eyes and you back into the counter.

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