"I live about fifteen minutes away from school, so shouldn't be long now. I'm surprised you have never been to one of my parties!" Hunter said.

"I was never invited to any parties Hunter, and even if I was I probably wouldn't have gone. The last party I went to was for my eighteenth, my sister, Spencer, was nineteen at the time and so she drove us there.

"Her friend came with us. We had a couple of drinks and she told me she was going to go home, I thought she meant they were going to walk or get a lift. It turns out she thought Lily hadn't had as much to drink. Spencer was wrong and they ended up crashing into a lorry on the motorway.

"My sister was taken to E&R as soon as they found her. Luckily I wasn't drunk so I drove to see her" I had begun to cry, so I turned to look out the window so Hunter couldn't see my face.

"It was too late. Lily had internal bleeding and Spencer was in a coma. They had to turn off the machine that was keeping her heart breathing, as she had no chance of surviving. I didn't go to school for a month because I was a mess, I kept blaming myself. It was three years ago but it still hurts you know" I noticed that Hunter had stopped the car and was looking at my face; he reached over and dried a tear that had escaped down my cheek.

"I-I'm so sorry Skye, I never knew that." Hunter gave me a sincere smile and I slightly nodded at him.

"Sorry, I've ruined the good mood. I guess I've never talked about it and it just kind of came out like word vomit" I stopped talking and looked at him. Wondering if he would laugh at me but he kept a straight face staring out the windshield. "Anyway is this your house?" I gasped when I looked out Hunter's window, it was massive.

"Yep, I know what you're thinking: spoilt rich kid. I'm not spoilt but my family is rich but I'm not. If I'm honest I want a smaller house. My mother, father, brother, sister and I all live here but still it's too big" Hunter looked embarrassed as if he sounded snobby.

"That thought never crossed my mind, Hunter. How old are your brother and sister and what do your mum and dad do? You don't have to answer, I'm just curious!" I asked Hunter not wanting to seem nosy.

"My brother is a year younger than me and my sister is twelve. My brother doesn't actually live with us; he lives with my Auntie as he goes to a private school for smart kids.

"My dad works at an oil rig so he works there for a month and comes home for a month. My mum owns a boutique for prom dresses downtown; you might have been there before?" Hunter asked me smiling as he spoke about his mum, he probably looks up to her like I do mine.

"For prom I got a dress from a boutique in town called 'Little Threads', is that her store?" Hunter nodded. "I know a woman with black hair served me and she looked quite young, is that you're mum?" I asked Hunter curiously wondering about his family.

"Yep, that's my mum, so what about your family then?" Hunter asked looking in the rear view mirror, so he could reverse into the drive.

"Well my mum works at home and writes children's book for this company. I used to have a sister who passed away three years ago and my father was a business man" I told him before he parked up next to a sparkly red and brand new looking ford, luckily Hunter didn't notice that I talked about my dad in past tense.

I carefully got out of the car trying my best not to be clumsy and trip over. As I got out the car Hunter walked towards the door unlocking it with a key and he gestured for me to follow him in.

I walked into his house, the smell of cheery air-freshener filling my mind. The whole place was flawless; there wasn't a speck of dirt to be seen. I was stood on a black and white chequered floor polished to perfection and the wall was plastered with golden, sparkly wallpaper.

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