"Why? You know that Dean and Cas will just kill you," Sam said.

"Will you stop with that facade? Did you not just hear me say that I'm the one who put the body swapping spell on you guys? Really, it's quite rude," she replied.

'Gabriel, can you guys hurry up?' Cas tried to project into his brother's mind.

'We're going as fast as we can.'

'We found the one who caused this.'

'It was her? I knew I didn't trust her.'

'Just hurry.'

"What's that one doing? He appears a bit troubled," Carla asked, pointing a letter opener that she picked up off the table at Cas. She waited for a bit before continuing. "Really, no response? Boy, you people really are rude," she shook her head in disappointment as she stood up to talk to the boys. "Well, you are Americans, what was I expecting?" Just then, the front door opened with a loud bang. Carla smiled as she heard it, turning to the boys. "Looks like we've got company."

"Sam?" Dean's gruff voice called out.

"Dean!" Sam called out to him.

"Ah yes, bring the fun to us," she said, running a finger along his jaw. 'Gabe will not be happy if he sees that.'

"Woah, lady, hands off the Winchester," Gabriel said as they burst into the room.

"Oh, so this is the one that likes this one?" Carla asked with a smile.

"Shut it, witch, before I blow your freakin' head off," Dean said.

"Woah there Sam, no need to be rash," she said, putting her hands up. "Now, we can do this the easy way, where no one here dies except for Smith's progeny, or we can do this the hard way, where everyone here does and I walk off to enjoy my life."

"What the hell are you talking about?" Dean asked with a frown as he kept the gun aimed at her.

"Body swapping, I'm the one that put the spell on you. Don't give me any of that shit, I can sense when one of my works is close by. The angels got switched around and so did you and your brother. I can reverse it, seeing as it was one of my mother's original works, but only if I get my revenge."

"We're not letting you kill that kid," Gabriel told her.

"I don't think I gave you that choice," she said, muttering something under her breath. Cas could feel something around his throat constricting, making it harder for him to breath. "You're going to let me get my revenge here or else I kill Dean and his little angel boyfriend," she threatened.

"How about you go screw yourself?" Sam (Dean?) spat out from his spot on the wall.

"Why, I've never met anyone quite as rude as you lot, and I've been living in America for quite some time now," she responded, walking over to the Winchester on the wall, holding the letter opener up to his neck. "These work just as well on humans as they do on envelopes." Gabriel took that as an opportunity to charge at her, but she flung out her arm, sending him crashing into the wall but not sticking like Cas and Sam. The hold around Cas's throat got tighter, and he knew that he would lose consciousness soon if they didn't get her focus off of the spell.

'Dean, I'm not faring well and I'm afraid Sam won't be able to survive much longer either.' Cas projected into the Winchester's mind before focusing on not blacking out. Dean saw this and quickly went up behind the witch, able to join her arms behind her back and restraining her before she was aware.

"You could at least buy me dinner first," she said as she struggled against the large man.

"I don't date monsters," he hissed out. Carla stomped back on his foot, the sudden attack making him lose his hold on the woman.

"And I don't date hunters, hot shot," she responded, punching Dean in the jaw. It was enough to make him lose his balance, she tightened her grip on the letter opener and made slashed at host torso, tearing through the shirt and leaving a cut. With her attention on the fight, the two pinned to the wall were released.

"Sam, Dean, whichever Winchester you are, are you okay?" Cas asked the Winchester who was currently crumpled on the floor.

"Yeah, just go help Sammy," Dean coughed out, regaining his composure. Cas nodded before going over to try to restrain the woman who was currently aiming another punch towards Sam's face. Sam had managed to dodge it and landed a hit on the side of her body, and as she pulled back her arm to throw another punch, Cas grabbed it and quickly put her in a more secure hold than Sam had. She began to mutter something in Latin before Sam stabbed her with the angel blade.

"Not making that mistake again," he said as he removed the blade from the woman.

"What are you guys?" The teen that Carla had come to kill, Jacob, asked from the doorway.

"We're the good guys," Dean responded.

"Hey, guys, we might wanna get the body out of here before the sun comes up," Gabriel said, kneeling beside the witch's body.

"Listen, kid, I'd take your mom and leave the area for a while. Do you have any relatives you can stay with?" Dean asked Jacob.

"Yeah, my aunt lives in the next county over," he replied.

"Good, stay there for about a month until we can give you the all clear. You still have the card that my brother gave you with his number?" The teen nodded in response. "Good, call it when the month has passed and we'll tell you if it's okay to come back."

"Dean, we need to move the body like now," Gabriel said again. "Sammy, help me out here," he motioned as he grabbed Carla's feet. Sam went over and grabbed under her arms, helping Gabe carry the body out of the house.

"So, it's you in there, right Cas?" Dean asked as they walked out of the house.

"Yes, it's me. We still don't know how to undo this hex," Cas told him. They walked out of the house, seeing Sam and Gabe stuffing the body into the trunk of the Impala.

"Hey, you didn't get blood on anything, right Sammy?" Dean called out as they walked closer to the cars.

"Right, Dean," Sam called back.

"Me and Cas are gonna swing by her house to see if we can find the way to undo this, you guys go deal with the body," Dean told him.

"Alright, don't do anything stupid," Gabe told them. "Especially you, Dean."

"Shut up, Gabe. Come on Cas, let's go," he said, taking Cas's hand and leading him to his car. Dean drove to Carla's house, finding the back door unlocked from Sam and Gabe's previous adventure there. The living room still had spell books and ingredients strewn about, the one she had been using sitting open on the coffee table.

"I say we take all of them and look through them back at the hotel room," Dean said.

"Alright," Cas agreed. He gathered around four spell books before finding a small leather bound journal sitting next to her cauldron. "I think I've found something," Cas called out. He flipped through the journal, finding notes on the transportation spell, an honesty spell, and, sure enough, the body swapping spell.

"Well damn, it was an original," Dean whistled, reading over Cas's shoulder. "Any notes on how to undo it?"

"Yeah, this entire page is dedicated to it," Cas responded, pointing to the next page.

"I'll call Sammy and Gabe and let them know to meet us at the motel," Dean said, pulling out his phone. Cas nodded before taking the spell books and the journal out to the car. Dean joined him after a few minutes, letting him know that the others were just waiting for her body to finish burning. At that, they drive back to the motel.

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