Chapter 38: Albus

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Two cannons sounded. Goyle's body fell along with James's. I drop to my hands and knees and crawled over to James's body.

Please don't be dead, I thought desperately, my eyes filling with unshed tears. The Fiendfyre had died around us, but now, I didn't really care. I only cared about my brother.

Lily dropped down next to me. She nudged James's shoulder, "James. James, I'm scared. James, I want to go home." She sounded eight years old.

"Where are they? Do you think those cannons were them?" Scorpius's voice carried over the trees.

"At least we've got Isabelle and Theresa taken care of," I heard Hugo say, "Maybe the Potters took out Goyle."

"The Fiendfyre stopped too," came Ginny's voice, "It was probably Goyle controlling it."

They broke into the clearing. Scorpius sighed in relief, "Oh, good, we found you guys."

"We were so worried—" Ginny's voice broke off, replaced by a shriek of horror.

"James?" Hugo squinted, as if that might change something, "Is he—"

"No," I said firmly, "He's not. Just knocked out."

"He's not breathing," Lily's voice wavered, "And the killing curse hit him."

It finally sunk in. My brother was dead. He was no longer there to dump Christmas pudding on me. He was no longer there to blow up dinner. He was no longer there to jinx someone who had upset me. I starred into his dark brown eyes that matched our mother's, the ones that had once twinkled with mischief and wonder. His laugh, something I had always loved and cheered me up on gloomy days, was silenced forever.

The beautiful day seemed like a mockery. It doesn't sound as devastating as the clichés of the moon, but I howled my grief to the morning sun.



"What, Lily?" I grumbled.

"I have something you have to see."

"Can it wait?"

"No," she simply replied.

"What is it?" Scorpius asked.

"Everyone should see this." Lily said.

Everyone gathered around.

"So what's wrong?" Hugo asked.

"This," Lily held out James's watch.

"His watch? What about it?"

"You see, I was messing around with it. Turns out, it does more than tell the time," Lily stated, "You know that thing James and Fred were always saying?"

"Haha, we got you?" Hugo wondered.


"You should've seen the look on your face?" Ginny suggested.


It slowly dawned on me. "Mischief managed."

"Yes! Now watch," Lily put the watch in front of her lips, "Everyone pay attention. Mischief managed."

The watch's surface changed. The hour and minute hand disappeared. The numbers and ticks were gone. It showed just a blank black surface.

"What are we supposed to be seeing here?" Scorpius asked.

"This is a way of communication," Lily explained, "My theory is that it doesn't show the person unless the person you're communicating with confirms it, or else, cover will be blown and this won't be a secret anymore."

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