Chapter 17: Albus

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I had never known. So James' declaration of love for Hermione was as much of a shock to me as it was to everyone else. Lily glanced at me, and I knew she hadn't known either.

Lockhart opened his mouth to ask James another question when the bell rang. They called, "Lily Potter," as James was walking from the stage.

When he took his seat next to me, I whispered to him, "What was that all about?"

"Later," James said, "I've got to explain it to the others too. I've got a plan for us to make it through the Games. I'll tell you about it tomorrow."

I nodded, but I wasn't sure. I didn't tell him that though. Instead I said, "I didn't know you fancied Hermione."

James winked at me, "It's all a part of the plan, little brother."

"Are you shocked at your brother's affections for Hermione Longbottom?" Lockhart asked.

Lily answered carefully, "Yes and no. I had a slight suspicion about it, but I didn't think it was true, sir."

"Do you think you'll stand a chance in the Games?"

Lily put on the "Daddy-I-love-you-so-much-I-want-this-new-book-get-it-for-me" innocent face and batted her eyelashes sweetly, "Oh, I honestly don't know, Mr. Lockhart. Everyone is just so amazing. And I don't know, I'm not as great as them. Not like you."

Lockhart chuckled and waved his hand dismissively, "Oh, I don't even have to try. Don't be so hard on yourself, with enough hard work, one day, maybe you'll become as great as me."

"Oh, I hope so, sir," Lily smiled blissfully.

"Oh, call me Gilderoy, sweetheart.

Lily giggled, "Ok then... Gilderoy."

James unsuccessfully tried to hide his snort. Lily was a great actor. I would've been totally fooled if I hadn't known her.

"Well don't count yourself out yet. How could you possibly not earn a sponsor?"

"Oh, Gilderoy, you're too nice. But I guess it is true. I can always depend on the generosity of the sponsors." Lily batted her eyelashes again, this time in Lockhart's general direction.

Lockhart winked at her, "Oh, you know it. Let's see your score now."

Lily's spell work, healing, and archery skill earned her an eight.

"She's quite something, folks!"

Lily pretended to blush, "Thank you."

"And these dress robes! Aren't they marvelous!" Lockhart exclaimed.

"Oh, stop."

"Don't be shy, darling, twirl around for us," Lockhart waved his finger around in a twirling motion.

"If you insist." Lily stood up from her seat and spun in a circle, her midnight blue robes swishing grandly around her.

"Oh, one more," Lockhart insisted after Lily had twirled for probably the tenth time.

"Okay then!" Lily giggled.

"Lily Potter, everyone! Quite the charmer!" Lockhart declared. It seemed he had found his favorite.

The bell rang and Lily exited the stage.

"Good job, you've got Lockhart sold," I whispered to her.

"We need all the help we can get."

Logan Ravenwood had gotten a nine. Kaylee Ravenwood earned an eight. Hugo earned a seven and Molly received a nine.

"That concludes the tributes' interviews for the Eleventh Hogwarts Games! Make your bets, decide who to sponsor! Because the Games are in two days!" Lockhart announced at the end.

He made his way over to the tributes as everyone else was leaving, "The Weighing of the Wands are tomorrow after breakfast in the Room of Requirement. After that, the rest of your day is free. The day after tomorrow, you'll see your parents and friends and then the Games will begin."


The Weighing of the Wands were uneventful. They had Mr. Ollivander come to Hogwarts and examine our wands for us. This took about half an hour.

Afterwards, James, Lily, Hugo, Ginny, Hermione, Frank, Rose, and I had met up in James' dormitory.

"So what was the point of you declaring your love for Hermione?" Hugo asked.

"They love drama, especially romantic drama. We could declare ourselves lovers and then watch the sponsors come rolling in." James answered him, "A beautiful romance brutally ripped apart by the Games."

"So you two have to pull this entire act during the Games." Rose said.

Hermione replied, "Yes."

"And what's your brilliant plan for tomorrow when we enter the arena?" I asked.

Molly said, "We've got that worked out as well."

"We have no idea what the arena will be like. But I've figured out who does what. Hermione, Molly, and I are running straight towards the Cornucopia to grab supplies and weapons. Albus, you and Lily, Ginny, and Hugo just run away from the Bloodbath and hide. If there are trees, climb them, if they aren't, keep running until you find a safe place to hide and we'll go after you," James explained.

"I see so many faults in your plan. For one, the three of you are running straight into the Bloodbath. And two, the four of us won't have anything. What if someone attacks us? And three, there's no way I'll let you three run in there without helping." I told him angrily.

James rolled his eyes exasperatingly, "Albus, you can't always play the hero, you'll get killed. And I won't lie to you, it'll be dangerous, but that's just how it is. As for weapons and supplies for you, we've planned for that as well. We'll just kill someone," he said casually, "and you run over to their body, grab their things, and run away. But it has to be you, Albus, not Lily, not Hugo, not Ginny. Got it?"

I nodded, "Got it."

After a few more minutes, everyone but James left the dormitory. I returned to my dormitory and got into bed. I found it slightly difficult to sleep. I thought back on my life. What a waste. There was so much I could've done with my life. Explore the castle, break a few rules, maybe even join in on one of James and Fred's pranks. But now I couldn't do that.

Tomorrow, we would say our farewells to our loved ones. Tomorrow, the Games would begin.

I fell asleep regretting that I hadn't done more with my life.

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