Chapter 22: James

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"Let's rest here for the night," I suggested, "We'll climb those trees and secure ourselves into them. I'll take first watch. Who wants to take second watch?"

"I'll take first watch with you," Hermione said, "If anything happens, two is better than one."

I saw no point in arguing. After all, I was supposed to be madly in love with Hermione.

"I'll do second watch," Albus and Molly spoke up at once.

I nodded as the sun set below the horizon, "Come on, it's getting dark."

The Forbidden Forest was full of huge trees so it wasn't that hard to conceal ourselves in them. We heard a cannon and glanced at each other anxiously.

"What do you think happened?" Hugo wondered.

"Maybe it was the trolls or the giant spiders Ron told me about," Ginny shuddered, "Or... Even worse, maybe the dementors got them."

"Sleep," I snapped, "Hermione and I are keeping watch, you'll need your strength."

We secured ourselves into the trees with rope. Silence followed.

Half of the reason why I had snapped at Ginny was to make her sleep. But the other half was because I wanted her to stop talking about the dememntors, and spiders, and trolls that Voldemort had put up the arena for a bit more "fun."

"Not yet, I want to see which tributes died today," Frank said.

The sun had set and night had fallen. The sky lit up with fireworks and we heard the Hogwarts song playing. Afterwards, the faces of the tributes appeared into the black starry night.

First came Mackenzie Carthyite. And then Jocelyn Lewis. Bailey Marcus, Kaylee Ravenwood, Paul Matthews, Timothy Johnson, and Gabriel Belby. That was it.

"Seven tributes," Hermione confirmed, "And I killed one of them." She looked sad at that.

The others slept and soon, Hermione was the only company I had.

"I feel so horrible," Hermione finally said.

"What for?"

"Killing Paul. I never wanted to, but what choice was there? You guys come first," she sighed, "But I can't help but think about it. What if Paul Matthews was the kindest kid his family and friends ever knew? What if he was the only thing that brought his parents joy because they were going through a rough time?"

I stared at her, "How do you know this?"

"I don't. But you know that girl Mackenzie Cartyite, who cried when she was Reaped? Maybe she has a sister who she wanted to see again and promised that she would win the Games for her. Maybe Jocelyn Lewis was the most brilliant mind in the classroom who could've benefited the world in so many ways. And you know Kevin Jacobs who volunteered for his brother? What will happen to his brother if Kevin dies? Think about it. Each and every individual is a unique being. A unique individual with a story. And that individual is one of a kind. Meaning that they were the only one of that sort. And I just killed one, ridding the world of one unique and one of a kind soul. The world will never have someone exactly like Paul Matthews. And if I hadn't, who knows? Maybe Paul could've brought peace, find a good job, meet someone he loved, live a happy life." I saw tears streaming down her face, but she wiped them away, "Everything, someone's future, someone's existence, someone's being that could be the most important thing to another person can be taken away in under a second with one arrow from a girl who never thought twice about the grief and pain she was causing."

I held her hand in mine and turned her face to me, "Don't feel guilty. You had too."

"I know. But I can't help but think I had taken an innocent life. A innocent who was just a pawn in the cruel game of life."

I rested my hand on her shoulder, "It's just how to supposed to be."

"And that's what's wrong!" She threw her hands in the air, "I hate it! I hate that we have to compete in this game! And I hate the fact that things like this are so common, that's it's considered to be totally normal to kill someone!"

I clapped my hand over her mouth, "SHH!" She seemed to have forgotten that people were watching us from their monitors at home. What would Professor Longbottom and Luna be saying right now?

"I'm sorry," she cried, "I'm so sorry, James. I'm being stupid. I mean, your brother and sister have been Reaped with you and you're not breaking down. I'm being stupid.

I turned her around so that she was looking at me, "No, you're not. And if you weren't the one crying right now, it would be me. I guarantee it."

She gave a watery chuckle, "Yeah, right."

I smirked, "What? The Totally Amazing Troublemaker James Potter can't shed a tear?"

And then we were kissing. It started out as an act, but now I wasn't so sure. We were kissing each other as if it were our last night on earth

Maybe it was.

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