Chapter 34: James

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"Molly!" Hermione sobbed.

"Lily!" Albus yelled, stabbing a mutt that had eyes that matched Colin's. Lily stood frozen with her mouth open in shock.

"Are those," she began quietly, "their real eyes? What do they do with the bodies?"

"I'm so sorry," Hermione cried, "I'm so sorry, James."

"What?" I hit a mutt in the face with my sword, "Why?"

She didn't give any explanation, "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry."


"I want to live! I want us all to live! I hoped by some miracle, we'd make it out of this!" She cried hysterically.

"Everything's going to be alright," I tried soothing her, even though I didn't believe it myself.

"I'm scared. I'm sacred for Ginny. For Frank. For you, all of you."

"I— I am too."

"I love you."

"Uh— Me too. Wait!" I stammered, "No— I don't love myself— wait— I like myself. I meant to say I love you too."

She giggled through her tear stained face and kissed me. It probably wasn't perfect timing with my family and friends fighting for their lives but I needed it. For a few seconds, we were in a blissful oblivion, not acknowledging our surroundings.

When we pulled apart, she gave me a sad smile, "Stay safe. Fight for me."

I opened my mouth to ask her what the hell she was talking about when she pulled out her wand, aimed at a spot in the midst of the wild animals and said, "Reducto!"

The wolves were blown off their feet, scattering everywhere, but still alive.

Time slowed down as Hermione looked back at me. Her eyes, full of sorrow, joy, and everything I had to come to love about her, were brimmed with tears once more. With once last salute, she said, "Fight with everything you've got."

And before any of us could even blink or stop her, she pointed at the ground and screamed, "ARESTO MOMENTUM!" She jumped from the tree.

"HERMIONE!" I yelled, ready to go after her. She ran, the mutts on her tail. Then we couldn't see her anymore.

"We've got to go after her," Ginny sobbed, "She can't outrun then by herself!"

By the time we got to the bottom of the tree, the barking was distant.

The canon then sounded, echoing simultaneously with Ginny's sobs over her lost sister and my lost love, Hermione Longbottom.

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