♡Bowling For Kisses♡

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I let out a groan as my phone blasted my alarm.
I reached out for my phone and hit the off button.
I slowly sat up and headed to the closet.
I changed in to a pair of dark blue skinny jeans,a white tank top, a black hoodie that said 'army' in dark green lettering, camouflage vlados.
I walked in to the bathroom and washed my face, brushed my teeth and brushed my hair.
I quickly straightened my hair and did my makeup.
I turned around to head in to the bedroom when I ran into something hard.
I yelped and looked up to see Madsion.
"How long have you been in here?" I looked at him suspisoulsly.
"Don't worry I didn't see you naked! I just snuck in I'm not a pervert" he chuckled grabbing my waist and pulling me in to a kiss.
I rolled my eyes and wrapped my arm around his neck.
"Your so cute" he murmered kissing me all over the face.
"Your cuter" I giggled pulling away.
He rolled his eyes.
"Not really" he said in a sing song voice.
I laughed and rolled my eyes shoving him playfully.
"So wanna go get some breakfest?" He asked.
"Oh, actually Tanisha wanted me down at set.... but I can totally rain check if you wanna han-"
"No no no no no you go to set and we rain check our breakfest to tomorrow alright? Just make sure that she let's you go before five o'clock because that when we have to meet Maddy and Mikey at the Bowling Alley" He exclaimed.
I sighed.
"Are you sure? I feel really bad about this. About all of this, maybe I shouldn't of taken this music video" I mumbled chewing on my knuckles.
Madison chuckled and pulled my hands away from my mouth.
"Don't worry about me your fine, plus she only needs you for four more practices because your only in the two scenes, I'll have you back in no time" Madison laughed lightly before pecking me on the cheek.
"Well I should probably head to breakfest with the guys I'll see you later?" He asked.
I nodded and smiled.
"Yeah love you babe I'll see you later!!" I exclaimed kissing him.
"Love you too don't injure yourself!" He teased before leaving.
I smiled slightly at the door before turning to the bed table where my phone was.
I picked it up and saw I had a text message.
From: Tanisha
To: Mickey L
Hey girl! I sent a cab to your hotel! Don't worry I already paid for it! See ya in a bit!
I smiled slightly and pocketed my phone before grabbing my bag and hurrying downstaira, outside to where the cab was waiting for me.
I hopped in and it began driving me to the music video set.

I looked around in awe at all of the awesome costumes, directors, sets and other famous dancers.
"Oh my god. This is.....Wow" I gasped.
Tanisha laughed and hooked her arm with mine.
"Let's get you in to wardrobe, what do you say?" She smiled brightly at me.
My eyes widened.
"Yes! I'm mean uhm yeah totally sounds cool" I blushed darkly trying to act professional.
"Hey you don't have to act cool just be yourself, plus Rihanna isn't in to people who are all work no fun. She wants dancers she can be friends with. So just chill out and relax no one here is gonna judge you" she smiled patting me on the shoulder.
I let out a nervous laugh and nodded as we headed in to the the set in our normal clothes so that we could learn the dance.
"Alright Chelsie, Kai, Martha, Liz, Alexis and May your in back. Stella, Kim, Naomi, Jenny..." I stopped listening as I saw Rihanna looking us over.
I held my breath slightly as her eyes landed on me.
I froze and quickly looked down at my feet.
"Mickey you'll be center-"
"Actually! I'd like Mickey Lawley to be in front with me and Mari!" Rihanna interrupted the producer.
I snapped my head up and looked at her with wide eyes.
"Uh um okay Mickey up front and Silver center" the producer said uncertainly.
I stumbled over to the front and fiddled with my fingers as Rihanna stood beside me.
"Hey, I'm a big fan of your work, my favorite has got to be the dance you and Madison did for your couple dance a couple weeks ago" she smiled.
I blushed.
"Thanks this week I'm actually dancing to one of your songs this week S&M. It's my favorite song by you" I mumbled shyly letting my hair fall in front of my face slightly.
"And I can't wait to see it" she grinned.
I smiled and turned my attention to Tanisha as she began starting the routine and I couldn't help but going in to dancer mode and focus on nothing but the moves and the way and rythm I moved my body matching her steps easily and effortlessly.
4 hours later i knew the dance by heart and had been dismissed while Tanisha helped the other dancers that were having a hard time learning the routine.
I sat down in a couch in the corner of the set and brought my knees to my chest before wrapping my arms around my knees, phone in hand.
I looked down at saw i had two messages from Madison and 1 from Kian.
I decided to open the ones from madison first and clicked the first text message.
From: Superman ♡
I miss you so much!! You totally missed the killer game of basketball this afternoon, Maddy totally schooled Mikey!!
I laughed and shook my head slightly before opening the next message.
From: Superman ♡
To: Batman
I miss my cuddle buddy! You owe 2 kisses and lots of cuddling you got it missy!!
I blushed slightly and rolled my eyes.
From: Batman
To: Superman ♡
Don't worry babe I'll kiss you 4 more times just for fun! ;)
After pressing send I opened up Kian's message and read it over.
From: Bro (Kian)
To: Tiny Taco (Mickey)
Hey sis I'm coming to flordia for a little bit, I'll be there tomorrow sometime wanna get some lunch with me and JC? You can bring your boy toy!
I glared slightly at my phone and rolled my eyes.
From: Tiny Taco
To: Bro
Yeah totally we can discuss it further tomorrow. And he's not my boy toy you stupid Meatball!!
I laughed slightly at my childish answer when Madison suddenly answered back.
'Your too good to me' - Madison
I was about to answer when suddenly I could sense someone staring at me.
I looked around until my eyes can across Rihanna who was sitting right beside me.
I smiled.
"Hey" I waved meekly.
She grinned.
"Your so unbelievably talented" she blurted.
I looked at her startled and furrowed my eyebrows.
"Watching you dance today was just so inspiring, it's like right when the music starts to play something takes over and your body automatically adapts to the most difficult positions and flows evenly with the music. Honestly I've never seen someone dance like that! I think that if you put your mind to it you will acomplish big big things!" She exclaimed.
I looked at her with such respect and gratitude for her honest kind spoken words.
I couldn't help but let a slight tear fall down my face.
I looked away and wiped my eyes quickly wiping the stray tear away.
"You honestly have no idea how honored I am to hear you say those things I mean your such a huge inspiration in my life and I just.... I can't believe that you, one of the reason I started to dance in the first place, are actually standing right here and I'm about to be in your music video" I let out a slight laugh wiping a few more tears away.
She smiled widely and hugged me.
I smiled and hugged her back.
"You know we should get some lunch together sometime, how's Thursday sound?" She asked.
I smiled brightly.
"That sounds awesome. I can't believe you'd actually wanna hang out with me" I laughed lightly.
"Of course I'd wanna hang out with you, your really cool and unbelievably nice!!" She exclaimed patting my back.
I smiled happily and nodded.
"Alright people, get ready for scene one!!" One of the directors screamed.
"Uhm well I gotta go I'll see you later?" She asked hopefully.
I nodded.
"Yeah definitley"
She was about to leave but she quickly turned around.
"Here what's you number I'll text you!" She exclaimed.
"Oh here" I grabbed a cheetah print sticky note from my bag and wrote down my number before handing it to her.
"I'll see you around Mick!" She waved before rushing of to wardrobe.
I watched her leave before slowly letting in what just happened sink in.
"Oh my god. I totally just befriended Rihanna" I whispered yelled/squealed.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2016 ⏰

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