◇The Couple Games◇

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I woke up to the feeling of soft warm lips kissing me lightly one the forehead.
I let out a slight groan and buried my face deeper in to Madison's shoulder.
"I don't wanna wake up" I whined into his sweater.
"If you don't wake that means I can't kiss you though" he whined back as I could practically hear him pouting.
"Poor you!" I exclaimed tiredly and I hugged his arm.
Suddenly I felt his lips on my neck.
I jumped startled slightly by the sudden warmth kn my neck.
He slowly began kissing my neck and I couldn't help but fidget slightly at the odd yet pleasurful feeling of his lips on the bare flesh of my neck.
Finally I couldn't help but long to have his lips on mine.
I quickly shot my head up and kissed him hard, obviously suprisingly him ass he let out a small light yelp.
I smirked slightly into the kiss tangled my cold fingers in the little bit if hair he had.
He cupped my cheeks with his hands and tried to pull me in as close as possible.
Suddenly our whole seat began moving and shaking as whoever was behind us began kicking our seat rapidly.
I groaned and we pulled away and looked behind us only to see Mikey and Maddy kicking our seats like little kids, large smiles in their faces.
I pouted slightly and rolled my eyes at them.
"Why do you guys always ruin our moments." Madison exclaimed frustrated.
I turned completely in my seat so I could see them.
Maddy scoffed and looked ober at us sarcastically.
"Bitch your just Jelly" she said in a silly voice causing Mikey who was beside her to crack up almost instantly.

I let out a sigh of relief as we finally landed.
I threw my head back and stared at the ceiling silently thanking the terrifying experience had finally ended.
Madison let out a chuckle and stood up we let most of the people out first before grabbing out bags from the over head compartments and making our way off the plane.
As soon as we got outside I got on my knees and attempted to hug the ground.
"Thank god! I never thought I'd say it but I miss the dirt!" I exclaimed.
The guys all burst out laughing.
I pouted slightly and noticed that Maddy and Mikey were missing.
I stood up and brushed myself off before looking around for them.
"Hey you guys know where Maddy and Mikey are?" I asked, "Shit did we leave them back in new York?!"
The guys laughed.
"Nah they're probably somewhere sucking each others faces off" Nick snickered.
I rolled my eyes.
"Actually I saw them inside and Maddy didn't look too hot if I knew any better I'd say she's scare-" Vinny was cut off by a screaming Maddy.
"Ground sweet Ground!! I fucking hate planes!!" Maddy screamed racing out of the plane and hugging the exact same spot that I had just gotten up from.
"See I'm not the only one who really hate planes!!" I defended turning to the boys as Mikey joined them.
"God its like you guys are long lost twins or something!" Jason laughed shaking his head.
"Shit they found out! Sorry dudes but we can't have any witnesses" Maddy got up pretending to shoot them with her gun shaped fingers.
I laughed and grinned looking at the boys.
Mikey rolled his eyes slightly and we all headed in to the airport.
We got our bags and got in the limo that drove us all to our new hotel.

I got my stuff and headed to the front desk.
The lady glanced at me and immediatly sent me a smile.
"Welcome to Cradle Hotel how may I help you?" She asked as everyone else came in and stood around me.
" I'm Mickey Lawley. Uhm apart of I.aM.mE, from ABDC abd I was wondering if our rooms were ready?" I smiled polietly.
"Oh right let me check quick..." she mumbled as she began typing on her computer.
She looked at the screen and her eyes followed something, she was most likely reading.
I waited patiently and rested my hip against the counter.
I let my eyes wonder over to Madison and caught him staring at me.
He noticed I was looking back at him and sent me a wink.
I rolled my eyes playfully and stuck my tongue out at him.
"Alright, your room is B6, Madison Trondeson is B8, Mikey Fusco is C7 Madsion Alamia is C19.." she began reading off the computer placing each of the keys on the table as she called out who and what room the keys belonged to.
Once everyone got their room keys we split off.
"Hey, since it's really hot in flordia in October do you all wanna meet at the pool in like an hour and a half?" Mikey asked looking at all of us and the iconic boys.
We all nodded and agreed except for Maddy.
"I actually have some stuff I got to do, maybe I'll catch you guys later!" She exclaimed before rushing off.
Everyone left except for me and Madison.
"So I'll meet you in an hour?" Madison asked pulling into a hug by wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me close.
I smiled and nodded before leaning in and kissing him softly.
He kissed back lightly before we both went our separate ways.
I headed to my room and noticed that Maddy's room was right across from mine.
I smiled and shrugged before unlocking my room and walking in, closing the door behind me.
I looked around and saw it was just a normal small one person hotel room, nothing like the last three at all.
I set my bags on the bed and began searching them for a clean swimsuit.
I finally found a black bikini with some studs around the hems.
I changed into it and put on dark grey kimono/shawl.
I took the bags off the bed and laid down playing with my phone.
I looked at all my apps and bite my lips slightly as the came across the white bird surrounded my blue background.
I bite lip and let out a sigh before pressing the small twitter icon.
My phone opened up my twitter almost immediatly and I began to look through all my tweets.
My eyes widened as I realized I wasn't coming across any bad or mean comments. It was just a bunch of collages of me and Madison with different songs in the background, congragulations, couple tag requests for a youtube video, and some other random ones.
I smiled and began responding to everyone I could.
I laid down on my back and looked up at my phone when suddenly I vibrated.
I noticed it was a text from Madison.

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