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"Why'd you do this to yourself?" He mumbled grabbing my wrist carefully.
I flinched and went to pull away but he held a little tighter.
"J-just don't worry about it, it doesn't matter" I murmered escaping his grip.
He frowned deeply.
"Doesn't matter? You've got to be kidding me right?!" He looked at me in disbelief.
I quickly looked away before scrambling to my feet and hurrying away but this time his quickly stepped in front of me and placed his palms on my cheeks, his choclate brown eyes starting to become watery.
"Babe, don't. Please just talk to me! Knowing that you harmed yourself makes me like shit! It makes me feel like I don't make you happy or make you think that your beautiful enough!! Please I'm begging you. Just talk to me!!" He begged a tear running down his face.
I clenched my eyes shut and looked away as my eyes filled with tears.
I sniffled and held in a sob as Madison stared at me crying.
"It's too much" I whimpered, "I can't do this anymore. My mom's gone, I was so close to my mom it almost feels like part of me is missing! Last night May had a nightmare. She had a dream and said that the monsters ate mommy and I had to lie to her and tell her everything was okay.... but the truth is nothings okay. Nothing. I feel like every time I tell her everything's okay I'm trying to convince myself more than trying to convince her" I whimpered trying to avoid looking into his eyes.
Madison sent me sympathetic look and pulled me in to a huge hug.
I let a sob escape my lips and buried my face in to his shoulder, gripping the dark blue fabric of his superman hoodie with my shaky hands.
"Sh.... it's okay baby girl...." he murmered petting the back of my head.
I whimpered and shook my head.
"N-no it's not okay, it's never okay" I sobbed.
I heard Madison sniffle and drop his hands to his sides so the could hold on to my hands.
"Why are there so many scars?" He asked rubbing the pad of his thumb of his free hand across the thin white lines all over my wrists.
I clenched my eyes shut.
"It's not the first time I've got hate. When I first started youtube people we assholes and school sucked everyone hated me and I was always alone until we moved back to my birth town.... Baltimore. I started dancing and I decided to stop." I sniffled, tears still racing down my face.
"You should have just talked to me about it" he sighed cupping my face.
I quickly averted my eyes from his and looked down at his superman hoodie.
"Please.... look at me" he begged.
I whimpered and shook my head.
"I can't. I don't wanna see the dissapointment and disgust on your face" I let out a sob pulling away from him.
I yanked my sleeves down and stepped past him towards the exit.
Suddenly I heard him sniffle loudly.
I furrowed my eyebrows and glanced behind me.
"Do you love me?" I heard him mumble.
My eyes widened and I felt my stomach clench at the sound of his broken voice.
"W-What kind of question is that?" I asked.
"Just answer the question. Please I need to hear you say it and I need you to mean it. Mickey Chachi Lawley, Do you love me" His voice errily montone as I stared at his back.
I blinked back some tears as we sat quietly.
"I've never loved anyone more than i love you" I stated.
Suddenly he spun around and i finally got a good look at him.
His eyes were watery and red as an occasional tear slid down his cheeks.
"Then why won't you tell me anything? Don't you know I love you? Do I not make you happy? Why won't you believe when I tell you your beautiful?! Your the most beautiful girl I've ever seen my life!" He exclaimed looking at me.
I stared at him in shock.
"I-I'm sorry, and no! Everytime were together its the happiest time of my life. I just..... do you really think that I-I'm beautiful?" I whimpered.
He nodded.
"I don't think your beautiful. I know your beautiful. I love you way more than you'll ever know" he exclaimed coming closer.
I felt a warm feeling in my chest and quickly began wiping my eyes as they began pouring out tears.
He quickly grabbed my arms and pulled them away before wiping my tears away with his thumbs
"Promise me you'll never do this again?" He begged.
I looked at him hesitantly.
He just sent me a pleading look.
I cast my gaze to my feet.
"I promise.." I mumbled.
He pulled me in to a tight hug.
I wrapped my arms around his neck while his arms wrapped themselves around my waist as he pulled me super close and buried his face in the crook of my neck, causing me to shiver slightly as the his hot breath on my neck sent shivers down my spine.
"I love you" I mumbled in to his shoulder.
He pulled away and smiled slightly, his eyes still red.
"I love you too" He murmered leaning down and kissing me.
I smiled slightly and and press my lips harder against his not caring that my lips would probably be slightly swollen.
His hands quickly let go of my waist and tangled them in my blonde hair.
I blushed and squeaked slighlty as my back slammed in to the wall.
"Mmmph" I gasped as he tugged playfully on my lip ring.
"What was that?" Madison teased pulling away slightly.
I blushed even darker.
"S-shut up"
He smirked before smiling down at me happily.
"Tomorrow when we go public I'll make sure the hate stops" Madison smiled kissing me on the forehead lightly.
I smiled slightly.
"T-thanks. But I don't think they'll listen to you" I sighed as he rested his forehead on mine.
"If they don't stop the obviously aren't fans of mine. They're just jealous" he smirked, his hazel eyes boring in to my own.
I let out a happy sigh and wrapped my arms around his should neck.
He smiled and brushed hips past mine softly.
I looked around and realized we were no longer in the the plane anymore.
"Madi? Where are we?" I hicupped.
He looked around.
"Oh we're at the hotel. This is our room" he explained.
"Our room?" I furrowed my eyebrows.
He blushed.
"Uh yeah, i-it was Maddy's idea.. we don't have to if you don't want t-" he began to stammer.
"N-NO!" I exclaimed.
He looked at me startled.
"I mean uhm y-yeah it's fine...." I blushed darkly.
He furrowed his eyebrows.
"Okay.... well uhm you wanna watch a movie or something?" He asked.
"Uhm yeah sure, what do you wanna watch?" I asked sitting down on yhe couch that was in front if a large flat screen.
"I don't know..... what kind of movie are you in the mood for? Comedy, Sci fi, romatic..." he began naming off genres.
"Suprise me" I smirked slightly.
A mishchevious look crossed his face and he quickly walked over to his bag and began shuffling through it.
"I'll make some popcorn" I volunteered standing up.
He nodded shuffling threw his stuff as I grabbed two things of popcorn from my own bag.
"Okay, and we should change in to something comfortable!" He called out as i headed into the kitchen part of the hotel room.
I grabbed a bowl from a cabinet above the sink that had a bunch if dishes that the hotel room with.
I quickly put the popcorn in and headed back into the living room part of the hotel.
I saw Madison taking his shirt off and immediatly felt my cheeks turn bright red.
He looked up at me and blushed but also smirked slightly at the fact that I was blushing because of him.
"You like what you see? " He chuckled.
I rolled my eyes slightly.
"S-shut up" I mumbled grabbing my bag.
I turned my back on him and began pulling out a pair of black spandex shorts and a maroon Victoria secret jumper that said PINK in black letters.
I was about to head to the bathroom when arms snaked around my waist and pulled my back in to Madison's chest.
I squealed and looked up.
He smiled down at me and pecked me on the forehead.
I smiled slightly and cuddled closer in to him.
"So, how does Annabelle sound?" He smirked.
"What! No I hate scary movies!!" I exclaimed turning around in his arms.
"Hey, you said to Suprise you" he chuckled.
I pouted slightly.
"You're such a bully"
He rolled his eyes.
"I'm not a bully"
"Yes you are" I whined.
"Yeah yeah, just hurry up and change so we can watch the movie" he murmered leaning down.
I met him halfway and kissed him quickly before running off to the bathroom.
I quickly changed, threw my hair up in a ponytail and washed my face.
I quickly dried my face off.
I exited the bathroom and quickly grabbed the popcorn from the kitchen and hurried back to the couch.
I saw Madison putting in the movie.
I sat down in the couch as the movie began playing.
Madison quickly stood up and sat beside me and picked out a piece of popcorn from the red bowl in my lap.
I took a piece of popcorn for myself and began watching the movie.
About 15 minutes or so in the neighbor daughter and her boyfriend broke in to the neighbors house and I began freaking out.
"Don't leave her alone!!" I exclaimed as the ladies husband ran next door to see what happened to the neighbors.
I felt eyes staring at me so I looked over at Madison who was staring at me in amusement.
"What?" I asked.
"You realize that they can't hear you right?" He smirked.
"So just because they can't hear me doesn't mean I can't yell at them" I giggled throwing a piece of popcorn at him.
He caught it easily in his mouth and rose and eyebrow at me cockily.
I playfully stuck my tongue out at him.
He threw a piece of popcorn back at me and it bounced of my nose on to the floor.
"You gotta pick that up!" I smirked.
He chuckled.
"I like your dolls"
I quickly turned my head to the to hehe and saw that the cult girl was in the baby room staring at the pregnant women from the doorway.
Suddenly the guy came out of the closet and stabbed her.
I gasped and began knawing on my nail.
Madison grabbed my wrist and pulled my hand away from my mouth, causing me to wince slightly from the cuts on my wrist and his grip on them.
He quickly realized where he grabbed me and pulled his hand back.
"Shit, I'm so sorry babe!" He exclaimed.
"Don't worry its fine" I brushed it off.
He just started at me for a couple moments before nodding and turning back to the tv.

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