♡Your Love Is My Drug♡

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"Wake up"

I quickly sat up, sweat running down my forehead and my heart beating wildly.
I looked around and raised I was in my room.
I furrowed my eyebrows.
"How the hell did I get in here?" I mumbled rubbing my temples trying to remember what happened last night.
Suddenly I rembered the dream.
I quickly flipped the blankets and lifted my shirt to see where the stab wound should of been.
I let out a sigh of relief when I saw there was nothing there.
"Just a stupid nightmare" I murmered.
I shook my head and slowly stood up.
I looked around again when my eyes landed on a small piece of paper that was sitting on my nightstand.
I reached over and grabbed it my hands shaking slightly.

'Dear Mickey,
Hey, you fell asleep in the Limo so I carried you to your room. I didn't wanna wake you since you had a pretty long night, of your reading this and it's not noon why don't you head down to breakfest, I'll meet you there. Remember we're going to the beach today so wear your swim suit!

Sincerely, Madison

I smiled slightly.
I went to throw the note away but stopped myself.
"Maybe..... I'll keep it" I murmered.
I put the note in my suitcase and grabbed some clothes.
I changed in to my black bikini, black kimono sweater, Black flip flops, and then I slid on some black shorts over my bikini bottoms.
I walked into the bathroom and put on water proof eyeliner and mascara before throwing on some water proof deoderant.
I pulled my hair up in to a high ponytail then I put in my belly piercing that was black and had blue and purple stars hanging from it, my black ring lip piercing, and my black studs that are for my ears.
I put on my black cross necklace and looked at myself in the mirror.
This time I actually smiled.
I winked at the mirror before grabbing my batman bag and putting all the stuff from my purse in it plus a towel, white sunglasses, and some sunscreen.
I grabbed my phone and turned it own.
I looked at the time and saw it was 8:32.
I went on my camera and took a selfie in the mirror before posting it on all of my social medias.
I then threw my phone in my batman bag and put the bag on my shoulder before leaving my hotel room and heading to breakfest.

》》~ Madison's POV ~ 《 《
"So your going on a date?" Mikey asked as we sat down with our food.
I rolled my eyes.
"For the last time, no! We're just gonna hang out at the beach and see if that creep shows up" I rolled my eyes taking a bite of my cereal.
"Do you want it to be a date?" Jason asked from beside me.
I shrugged.
"I don't know, I guess...... yeah" I sighed.
"Then tell her idiot!" Louis rolled his eyes.
"It's not the easy! I have no clue on how to ask a girl like her out!" I groaned.
"I do, you walk up to her and say you, me, 7:00 the zoo" T-money said winking.
We all laughed.
"The zoo?" Louis exclaimed.
"7:00?! Are zoos even open that late?" Nick laughed.
I rolled my eyes.
"You guys suck at helping" I laughed.
"No T-money is just bad at getting girls. I've had plenty of girlfriends" Louis joked.
"Dude your 10, how many grifriend could you of had?" Vinny rolled his eyes.
"Listen bro, if you like her just tell her. It's obvious you guys like each other. If you want it to be a date just tell her. I bet you ten bucks she won't mind, she'll probably be even more excited" Mikey sighed playing with his cereal.
I sighed and looked down at my cereal.
Suddenly I heard the door open.
We all looked up and saw it was Mickey.
I dropped my spoon in awe as I saw her.
She was wearing a black bikini top that showed off her sexy curves and slight stomach muscles, she had some short black shorts that showed off her nice tanned legs, she had a shawl type thing on that hung loosely on her shoulders.
I saw her belly button ring and couldn't help but bite my lip slightly.
"Dude if you don't ask her out I'm gonna!" Mikey exclaimed turning to look back at me.
"Not if I get to her first" Nick mumbled from beside me.
I elbowed him in the side.
He glared over at me before looking back at Mickey.
We all watched as she grabbed her Breakfest. It was same as usual french toast, choclate muffin, red velvet cupcake, and blueberry yougurt.
"Move" I told Louis who was sitting across from me as she began walking towards us.
"What? No!"
"Please!" I exclaimed
He sighed and grabbed his tray and slid a seat to the left.
"You owe me Amalia" he grumbled.
I nodded.
We all smiled as she walked up and sat down.
"Hey guys, how's a going?" she smiled.
I blushed slightly and smiled.
"Good, how about you? You sleep well?" I asked.
She blushed and nodded.
"Yeah, thanks for helping me last night I guess the stress finally got to me and I guess I passed out" she laughed.

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