♡Just Can't Get Enough♡

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He smiled brightly before picking me up and spinning me around.
I laughed wrapping arms around his neck as I spun around.
He put me down and quickly smashed our lips together.
I pulled him closer and kissed him with everything I could.
We finally pulled away his sparkling brown eyes staring at my icy blue ones.
"So.....boyfriend we should probably head home, yeah?" I smirked slightly.
He chuckled.
"Yes but first. I've got something for you" he exclaimed
I rose an eyebrow and watched as he took a long box out from his pocket.
He handed it to me excitedly.
I laughed slightly as he shoved it my hands.
"Excited much?" I smiled slightly.
He nodded slightly and motioned for me to open in it.
I smirked and began to very slowly open it.
"Mickey!" Madison whined.
I giggled slightly before opening the box.
My eyes widened as I stared down at the familiar beautiful silver necklace with a beautiful black jem in the middle of a heart.
"Madi....." I mumbled in awe as I picked it up in my hand.
He grinned.
"Here let me"
He grabbed the necklace from my hands and went behind me. I moved all my hair to the side and he placed the necklace around my neck.
I looked down at it and smiled.
I turned and pulled him in to another kiss.
He pulled away and smiled.
"I'm glad you like it" he stated
"I'm glad you Mikey stalked us on the mall" I smirked.
His eyes widened.
"W-what are you talking about" he laughed nervously.
I rolled my eyes.
"I saw you guys. Next time don't wear bright basketball short while hiding behind white clothes racks" I laughed crossing my arm over my chest.
He blushed darkly and scratched the back of his head.
"Yeah, that'd probably be a good idea..." he muttered.
I laughed lightly before intertwining our fingers.
He smiled.
"Wanna start heading home?" He asked smiling down at me.
I nodded when suddenly a gust of cold air sent shivers down my spine.
He chuckled.
"I'll take that as a yes. I brought some blankets just in case you got extra cold" he explained.
I nodded.
"Thank you" I smiled.
He nodded and we headed towards the car.
I got in the passenger seat while Madison rummaged through the trunk.
Finally he came up to the drivers seat and handed me a fleece superman blanket and a bag of snacks.
I took the blanket gratefully and wrapped myself in it.
"Also if you get hungry I've got some gummy worms and stuff" he stated as I cuddled in to the blanket.
"I'm stuffed, I think I might explode" I groaned.
He chuckled and started the car.
I looked back down at the blanket and laughed slightly.
"Batman's better" I murmered tiredly.
His head immediatly snapped towards me.
I looked up at him and saw his eyes were wide and his mouth hung open slightly.
"Your messing with me right?"
"Nope, Batman's way better" I smirked.
"Batman doesn't even have any cool super powers!" He exclaimed.
"No, but he's rich and has super cool gadgets and isn't scared of some stupid green rock" I looked over at him and saw he was thinking hard.
"It's called kryptonite and batman could get shot and instantly be dead because he's human" Madison argued.
"That's why he wears bulletproof vests" I explained.
He rolled his eyes.
"Bulletproof vests don't always work" he stated nonchantly.
I laughed slightly.
"Alright alright, I like both as long as your my superman and I'm your batman" I smiled.
"No, I'm Batman. Batman's cooler than Batwomen" I chuckled.
He smiled.
"Whatever you say Batman" he smirked leaning in.
"Nice to see we're on the same page Superman " I mumbled as he leaned in and gave me a quick peck on the lips.
He pulled away before I could fully kiss him and started the car.
I pouted slightly before grabbing his arm and turning him around.
I placed my lips and kissed him hard.
I pulled away and saw he was blushing.
"All you had to do was tell me you wanted a real kiss" he murmered.
I shrugged.
"That's was funner"
He just chuckled before pulling out of the parking lot.
We began driving through the city.
I stared out the window watching the buildings and signs flash by.
I smiled slightly.
"I love car rides at night" I murmered.
Madison glanced over at me.
I nodded.
I watched as we passed a huge sign and I quickly read it.
'Thanks for Visting Los Angeles'
I mentally rolled my eyes.
Yeah no problem had so much fun at my mom's funeral
I nibbled on my lip slightly as I tried to keep my eyes open.
I heard Madison say something but before I could understand the words my word went black.

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