13. A Wolf's Heart

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I awoke then, as if I had been sleeping for years. I rolled over on my side as my body started to ache a little. I rubbed my shoulder and down to my elbow under the covers and noticed then that my clothes were missing. "Finally you're awake..," came a familiar voice beside me. I turned over and jumped a little grabbing the covers frantically. "D-Daniel!! What the..what the fuck--," I started. He sat up rolling his eyes letting a sigh escape his lips. "I kind of liked it better when you didn't talk much," he said. I reached over grabbing for the lamp on the night stand, "What..What happened?!!" His eyes flashed suddenly and he looked annoyed as he reached over climbing on top of me and pinned down my wrists on the mattress. My face was red as the blood rushed to my ears fast from being suddenly pinned. "G-Get off!!," I struggled glaring at him. "As soon as you calm down..," he said quickly. I squirmed under him and didn't get anywhere he had gotten his old strength back again. "Liam..," he said my name softly. His tone sounded like an order but it made me stop squirming and struggling. I looked away from him at the window, and he smirked a little at my defeat. "Now..," he said as he moved off of me and stood up off the bed. I grabbed at the sheets still a little embarrassed. "We didn't do anything, in fact if anything we did some things we both would have trouble remembering if we tried," he explained. "So..we didn't..," I started. He chuckled, "No. But..if you still have a bit of energy left from our little brawl yesterday..." I bit my lip and glared at him, "Like hell!" He walked over casually to the wardrobe closet as it was open and full of clothes that seemed suitable for either of us to wear. A maid knocked on the door just as Daniel was putting on his shirt first. "Oh, um..," she said and covered her eyes. "Master Balthaire, and Master Aaron would like you both to join them to breakfast in the dining hall. When you two are ready I shall escort you." She gave an awkward glance among both of us, and blushed a little before closing the door quietly. Daniel smirked as he buttoned up his shirt and rolled up his sleeves. His look seemed casual formal something I didn't expect him to do. In fact the style on him made him seem less of an ass. He threw a pair of pants and a shirt at me. "Going to stare at me all day or are you going to get dressed?," he said. "Shut up..," I muttered as I finally got out of bed slowly keeping the covers on me. I tried putting on my shirt while keeping my lower half covered but it was becoming difficult and made me look sloppy and clumsy. Daniel couldn't take it any longer and walked over to me snatching the sheet from my grasp. "H-HEY--," I shouted and he gave me a glare. I backed up almost knocking the lamp off the table as he moved closer to me intimidatingly. "Tch, I don't even get you Liam," he said. "You really piss me off so FUCKING much." He grabbed at my legs and I shoved him, "Knock it off!!" His eyes changed again and I flinched as a low growl escaped his lips. He gripped my hips and straddled me against the wall. I started to tremble all over and gripped on to his shirt for balance. He stared into my eyes breathing deeply and it only made me feel weaker against him. "You know.. Before I was just pretending like I wanted you to piss off Calcifer. But.. Now.. I..," he had an odd sincerity to his words. "What the fuck did you do to me..?" I opened my mouth to speak, and he kissed me roughly. His warm breath swirled in my mouth along with his inviting tongue and I became completely weak to his touch. He broke the kiss after nearly half a minute and smirked, "You're too easy to break.. You're flustered from just a kiss." There was another soft knock at the door. "..Shut up..I'm not flustered..," I finally spat out once I could collect myself. He finally lowered me down and I stood trembling a little still. "Is everything alright?? I forgot to mention how important this meeting is...," the maid said from the other side of the door. Daniel smirked at me, "I think I have a better chance of winning you over than Calcifer or any one else.." I quickly began to get dressed as I saw Daniel glancing at the mirror and smoothing his hair back neatly. "Liam?? Daniel??," the maid erged. "Yes, we're fine!! We will be out soon," I answered. I finally was done and Daniel walked out before me. My God, it felt so good. The voice surprised me and I wasn't sure if it was me or my wolf but a part of me enjoyed it. No, I love Calcifer!! I thrusted the echoed thought into my head only to get nothing but a skeptic silence back. I walked out as well and Daniel grabbed my arm, "Now we are ready." The maid smiled at us then continued down the hall. We followed behind and I yanked my arm from his grasp. "You two are aware that the Queen of Light is.. dying right? But she vouched for you to be King of All," the maid said. I nodded, "Yes..and apparently there is some sort of challenge we have to attend against the Dark Fae who are on Wendy's side and decided I wasn't worthy.." We turned and entered through two large doors that led to a big room full of antique weaponry and armour. "This will be your practice room.. Compliments from Master Balthaire and Master Aaron." I looked around at the large space and then at everything within proximity of me. "Now, follow me to the dining room. You can come here anytime later..," she said and we followed her to the dining room down the hall. Once we entered Jae and Aaron where there and seated. At the end of the table was Balthaire who had an amused look on his face. Salena scowled at both of us and stood up after dabbing her mouth clean with a napkin. "If you need me I will be trying to buy a new theme and reconstruction for our damaged living room from last night's hound brawling..," she said quite quickly before leaving. "I-I'm sorry for any damages we may have caused to your living room Balthaire..," I said quickly before seating myself. Balthaire smiled, "Nonsense, I never really liked the theme to begin with or that room. But you two are the most powerful wolves I ever seen. Once Daniel went crazy and shifted suddenly you did too and you both were fighting quite brutally." Aaron nodded, "Dude it carried on through the night we had sealed you both in there... Though I didn't want to." Jae then added, "After it was over Balthaire had his servants move you two to a decent room." Daniel was already hounding down food and I was surprised that he didn't make a mess. "Oh yes of course, eat. I will explain as you do the recent events that has happened," he replied. I slowly began eating the hot pancakes and they tasted so great. I have always been a breakfast lover however but Aaron and I became too lazy to cook or order breakfast. "Now, my spies say that Wendy has gathered massive forces," he explained. "You guys are going against an army here and no one is ready to help you except maybe me of course." Aaron rolled his eyes, "He's helping because he is a gambling man. He isn't doing it to be kind." Balthaire chuckled, "Yes, but here you can train. Eat and sleep until the day of The Choosing. I also have many tactics and books of knowledge at your disposal." Jae sat back, "I contacted the fox clans and they will be here shortly they also wish to help." Daniel then added as he uses a toothpick in his teeth, "My usual two wolf clan members will come they are all we need to be honest." Just as he said that a servant led Marissa and Thomas inside. Jae growled and jumped up from the table before I could and approached them with full fledged aggression. Thomas and Marissa growled back at him and they both lounged at Jae. I stood up quickly rushing over to them as they began to try a flanking him left and right. They took no time into shifting as Jae threw Marissa off of him and Thomas attacked him from the side and clawed over his eye. I stood between the two before they could continue at it. "STOP IT!! THAT'S ENOUGH!!," I shouted. The two wolves growled and moved away from me. Thomas and Marissa shifted back and began to put back on their clothing. "He started it.. Your Highness," Thomas cut in. "Liam, I will NOT work alongside murders!!," Jae spat out as he looked from Marissa and Thomas to Daniel. "Jae, we need all the help we can get--," I began. Just as I spoke four Fae walked in. They were foxes like Jae. One of them were female and her hair stopped at her waist. It was pretty and bright red. She appeared to have a small round cute face but something about her seemed creepy or unstable. Then there were twin males both with hair that stopped to the edges of their jawline. They had soft but masculine features like Jae and both of them had dark black hair. Their eyes glowed mysteriously as both of them had heterochromia and their right eye appeared pale blue while the other was dark brown close to black. The last one looked like she was a leader. She also smelled ancient like she had spent centuries living and seeing so many things. Her face looked elegant as she appeared. All of them were Koreans just like Jae. Jae calmed down almost instantly as soon as he saw them. Thomas and Marissa looked uneasy seeing them. "Relax..," Daniel said sternly to them both. He approached the woman who looked dignified and elegant and she approached him. "Ha Kim.. It's been quite a while," he said to her. She smiled slightly as she pushed her dark jet black hair behind her ear bowing her head slightly. "Daniel.. I hear you've been quite rude lately," she said as she glanced over at Jae. "Well not to be rude but your mangy fox stuck his nose where it didn't need to go," Daniel smirked. Ha Kim's eyes glowed silver and Daniel's flashed gold. "Now now.. Maybe it would be better if we all settled this in a more formal matter and seat ourselves," Balthaire spoke up. I swallowed hard a little. This would be quite annoying and hard at the same time. Wolves and Foxes in the same setting and already seem too prideful of themselves to admit they are going to need one another's help.

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