Chapter Forty-one

Start from the beginning

"It's nice to know that you were there, thanks for acting like you cared, and making me feel like I was the only one," Michael sang and I just played the invisible drums along to this song.

"It's nice to know we had it all, thanks for watching as I fall, and letting me know we were done." I finished and Michael laughed ad I continued to play my invisible drumset.

"You sure you're not Ashton's long lost sibling or something?" He asked me and I shrugged.

"Who knows?" I said and laughed as he pulled into a neighborhood. I hummed to the last of the song and I looked at Michael. "I miss the drumset."

"We'll be home soon enough, then you can jam out on Ashton's set." He told me and I nodded as I hummed. "Come on." He said as he parked the cat.

I unbuckled my seatbelt and then grabbed my small suitcase. I followed him up to the door and stood beside him as he unlocked the door.

I followed him inside and I heard a heels. They weren't mine because I was standing still. "Michael?" I heard a woman asked and she stopped in front of me. "Baby, she's beautiful."

"Thanks." I said and she pulled me into a hug. I hugged her back, slightly confused because Michael said his mum was a bit rude.

"Who is?" I heard a male voice and Karen, I assume, let go of me. "Oh my Michael, she's a bit young don't you think? Anyways, I'm glad you realized that stupid crush wasn't going to last. Come here darling."

"What?" I asked confused and looked at Michael who seemed as if he wanted to pass out. "What's going on?"

"She's not my girlfriend, or wife, or anything if the sort." Michael said and his parents looked taken back. "She's Luke and I's daughter. I told you about her."

"Did you?" Daryl asked and I looked at the floor. "Oh yeah, Kate right? I remember. So you're still with that boy?"

"Of course." Michael said and I stood awkwardly. "Go out your bag in the guest bedroom, I'll get this set straight. It's weird and awkward."

"Everything is weird and awkward." I said and he rolled his eyes. "How do I know which one is the guest room?"

"It's the open one." Karen said without looking at me. I nodded and wheeled my suitcase to the hallway. I walked into the only open room and set my bag in there.

I looked into a mirror and flattened my skirt out a bit before fixing the black and gold bow in my hair. I pulled my sleeves down and then left the room.

"Mum, dad, come on. At least be nice to her. She's an amazing girl and maybe it's weird because I'm nineteen with a fourteen year old kid but just deal with it. Let's just have a nice week." I heard Michael say to his parents.

"Fine. Do you have the-"

"Yes, here's five hundred." Michael said and I tapped Michael's shoulder as he pulled his wallet out. "Yeah?" He asked and I stood awkwardly in front of his parents.

"Can I use your phone?" I asked and he nodded. He handed me it and I thanked him before looking over at the living room.

I sat down on the couch and then turned his phone in, unlocking it easily. I went on snapchat and then took a video.

"Hi guys," I said and waved. "It's Katelyn here and I'm at Michael's house right now." I said and I could feel their eyes on me.

"It's awkward. I don't know way to do." I whispered and then giggled. I began to mess around with the new updates and then Michael appeared behind me.

"Ahh," he said and a rainbow began to spill from his mouth. "I'm a unicorn." He said and I laughed as I did the same.

"Come on, stop using social media and talk. Interact with human kind." Michael said and I nodded as I waved.

"Bye guys." I said and then ended it. I turned the phone off after I posted it and Michael looked at me.

"Come on, you guys never got introduced properly." He said and I nodded as I stood up.

I followed him and his parents stood in the kitchen. "Hi um uh, I'm Katelyn." I said and they looked at me.



I looked at Michael and he was giving his parents a slight glare. They sighed and introduced themselves with a greeting and a 'Merry Christmas'. It was so fake and forced, I nearly cringed.

"Wow." Michael muttered and I shrugged. "Maybe you should have gone with Luke or Calum or even Ashton. I'm sorry love. I just thought my parents would enjoy meeting you."

"It's fine." I said and looked at Michael. "Don't worry about it. Maybe I can break the ice."

"I doubt it."

"So uh, what do you do for work?" I asked them and they looked at me. "This is a nice house, and it must take a lot to keep it."

"I work with trains and he's a manager at a shopping warehouse." Karen said nonchantly and I nodded.

"Lunch?" Daryl asked us and Michael nodded along with his mum. "Katelyn?"

"Sure." I said awkwardly and he nodded. I followed Michael back into the living room and he groaned.

"Want to watch a movie?" He asked and I nodded ands he grabbed the remote. He turned the TV on and then scrolled through the movies.

"Home Alone?" I asked and he nodded quickly before putting it on and turning it up.

I leaned my head on his shoulder and laughed a bit as the kid shaved his face and then smacked his cheeks. Michael chuckled and Michael's phone buzzed.

"Hold on." He said and paused the movie and he answered his phone. "Hello?" He asked as I sat up straight.

"I'm at my parents' house right now." Michael said and then furrowed his eyebrows. "I'm not flying down to LA because a girl rejected you. I thought I told you not to contact me, I hate you."

"No, fix your own broken heart. Why not try forcing another little girl to give you head because your pathetic ass can't get any." Michael said then hung up. "I don't fuck with people who hurt my loved ones." He aaid and kissed my head.

"I can see that." I said and laughed as he started the movie again. "Thanks Michael. You're the best." I said and he just shrugged as he gave me a side hug.

"No one is gonna hurt you. I won't let them." He said and laughed. "You're just a little girl trying to make people happy. You don't deserve to have assholes in your life."

"Hey, they make good role models though. Just don't do what they're doing and you're good." I said and he laughed while nodding.


Question of the chapter:

- Is Michael a good dad?

Author's answer:

- I think so myself aha.

Reader's answer:


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