The Beginning

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-Victor's Pov-



"Victor!" A shrill piercing voice broke through my deep slumber, bringing me out of my very interesting and delicious dream. I sat up with a huff, irritated to have been woken up, to find a girl with raven black hair and equally dark eyes staring down at me. She looked somewhat familiar, or at least her body did.

"Oh, you're still here?" I yawn deeply while getting out of my large California king bed and stretch my body out after yesterday's activities.

I feel the cool air on my naked body while the girl still in my bed raked her eyes up and down my sculpted body which I worked hard to keep. I may have been born with great genes but I had to upkeep this great body. Hitting the gym was just part of my daily life, although I had other ways of working out that don't involve a trip to the gym if you catch my drift.

I gave her a smirk; I knew how girls reacted to me. With good looks and a body practically sculpted by Greek gods, I had girls throwing themselves to be with me if even for just one night. It also didn't hurt that I was a prince. The chance of bedding the prince was just too good to pass up. This one was no different than the others before her. 

"What do you mean?!" she finally asked as she seemed to snap out of whatever trance she was in.  she pulled on her dress and searched the floor for her shoes.

"Usually, if not always, the girl of the night is gone by the morning. Sometimes she is even gone before then if I am lucky. So you can just let yourself out." I picked up my boxers and pulled them on turning to enter my bathroom when I heard a shriek behind me and the sound of something heavy hitting the wall.

"Girl of the night?! Let myself out?!"

"You thought you were the only one? Oh, honey, you thought you were that special? You are just one of many my dear. You all fall for my good looks and charm. You fall for the title, the riches, and the fame.  All the time. No really, all of the time. So if you could do me the favor and lock the door after you leave. Thanks, doll." I peek my head out to give her a wink. I could see the steam coming off of her but I paid it no mind. I had become used to it, some girls left without a work but there were some that had a meltdown before walking out. 

"Mark my words Victor, you will regret today for the rest of your life." I walk out to watch her freak out, might as well get some sort of entertainment for putting up with her craziness. "You may be handsome on the outside but you are hideous on the inside. I curse you, Victor Knight. Your inner ugly will ruin and mar your pretty face. You and the world will see how ugly you truly are. No one will ever be able to truly love you if you continue like this. Only when someone can learn to look beyond your hideous face and equally hideous personality and truly love you for you will you ever regain your precious beauty." She points her long bony finger in my direction before turning to leave. The door slammed shut behind her, a slinky dark shadow following behind her. 

I stood there staring at the spot she was just standing at until laughter began to erupt from my throat. Who did she think she was?

Plus she was wrong, I could never be ugly.



-Helena Pov-

My annoying alarm clock blared right in my ear bringing me out of my deep slumber. I reached out to turn it off, feeling the familiar button with my fingertips. I sat up in my tiny lumpy bed and stretched my arms in the air as I felt the sleepy feeling leave my body.

Sliding out of bed I felt my bare feet touch the rough carpet beneath me. I held out my hand and felt my dresser in front of me with its splintered dented wooden doors beneath my fingertips. I grabbed a pair of jeans, what felt like a cotton shirt, and a sweater. I placed the clothes on my bed and while rubbing my eyes walked out into the hallway to get into the bathroom to take a quick shower.

Blind Beauty and Cursed BeastOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora