His eyes snap back to me with a look I can't quite work out

"Do you always answer a question with a question?" He asks as he looks me over again

I smile at hearing the old Ethan "yea I'm working on that" I nod my head

"Besides, I don't believe that's something I would forget" he says giving me a wink before turning his gaze back ahead

"And..you don't wear my mark" his voice turning slightly serious

Does that explain why he hasn't been very affectionate with me before.. Because than he would have marked me? I'm not sure but that would make sense I guess.

He's definitely more open at the moment as I don't feel him being as guarded as what he was when he first woke up

"Do you remember anything else?" I ask changing The subject, hoping it will all just reveal itself to him

I watch as he takes a deep breath looking uneasy

"I'm slowly getting pieces... I was never good at puzzles" he says a bit bitterly with a faint smile

The car falls quiet as I take in the scenery, the trees have a soft sway in them as I begin to relax

"Your ring" he says gesturing at my hand
"Who gave that to you?"

I frown as I look to my hand and twirl it around my finger

"It was my grandmothers, she gave it to me on my 16th birthday" I say remembering back to the fond memories I have of her

My mind ticks over as this is the second time he's asked me about my ring and the picture I found in his room at mikes house, now I feel like I have a puzzle and struggling to put the pieces together

"Do you know this ring?.. like you have seen this before?" I say confusingly, I'm not sure what I'm trying to ask

He glances at me than at my ring than back to the road but doesn't say anything

I take a deep breath, come on Ethan just speak why can't he just talk to me openly

"This is the second time you have asked about my ring does it mean something to you? I ask a little to frustrated

"I made it" He states

"You made it?" I ask feeling absolutely confused now I wasn't expecting that

"That's what I said" he says bluntly, I can feel him shutdown putting a stop to the conversation

What the hell. If he thinks I'm dropping this he has another thing coming

"Please just talk to me Ethan" I say softly as I feel I'm getting fed up

He reaches over picking up my hand, having a closer look at the ring, a small smile appears on his lips as he rests it back down

"Your grandmother... her names Mia?" He says softly watching the road

"Yes" I answer

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