Chapter 13: Welcome to Hell

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Important: This chapter contains some smut and it is not consented, so if it upsets you or makes you feel uncomfortable, skip this chapter, but I don't feel it is so bad.
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I laughed humourlessly and taunted some more, 'What? Is it that you are in fact afraid of death, My Peter.'

'Me? Death? Never!' He chortled, almost angrily, as he began to furiously whack his wave of air towards me. If I were to die right now, I knew it would be an accident. But something about his tone made me fear for my life. 'Death is the finale to life, the opposite. I can not fear this for I have been dead until I was born, yet I suffered no hardship or pain from it.'

'If life is so precious you probably shouldn't be wasting it,' I hissed harshly, but stilled suddenly when Peter made no move to speak. Rather, his eyes were elsewhere.

Fastened on my chest.

'What-?' Frowning, I dropped my gaze to my body, and gasped, immediately curling into a protective ball. My animal skinned dress was sticking to my body with the water, revealing every inch of my body to Peter Pan, and from the chill, my body was pert and bristling.

'Pan, don't-' I began, my cheeks flaming as I slowly my eyes travelled upwards to meet his cautiously. His expression stopped me dead in my tracks. His eyes blackened, burning with something more than just fury now: lust.

I felt my heart drop into my stomach. Peter Pan's anger was bad enough, but his angry mixed with lust... That was doom. Quickly I began to shuffle backwards as he began to stalk forward.

'Peter,' I gasped, stuttering in my hast to get away as quickly as possible, biting my lip with anxiety, 'W-we were talking about Oliver.'

'Oh, I remember,' he rasped, his voice deeper than usual. His eyes wandered up and down my body slowly, as if for the first time seeing me in that way, considering my physical body had changed so much to become younger. In addition, now that he was younger, he was forbidden from doing such activities in order to say young.

'I went to see him, but that doesn't mean that-'

'Oh it does,' Pan told me seducitvely, moving towards me with a small, satisfied smile, 'You have deliberately disobeyed me, Tiger Lily. You defied me, did exactly what I told you not to do. You've been awfully naughty. And naughty girls get punished.'


'Pan...' I said nervously, trying not to look too terrified as I quickly scrambled to my feet with very little grace or elegant. My animal skinned dress was still clinging heavily to my body, revealing all of my body like a second skin, still dripping with cold water.


'Don't,' I said assertively, trying to be strong and angry. I knew there was very little I could do now because I had wasted and used all of my magic, so was too exhausted to defend myself.

'There's something about your anger that brings out my most carnal desires,' Peter hissed huskily, never breaking his long strides towards me, like a predator stalking his prey, 'And I think, you've prevented me from loving you completely long enough...'

'What are you saying...?' I whispered, unconsciously stepping farther away on trembling legs.

'I'm saying, it's time you showed remorse for all your wicked actions against your master, your King. And I know just the perfect apology,' he arched a brow, a rakish smirk unfurling across his face, 'You remind me of what we used to do when we were married... Before all of this went wrong... Before we returned to Neverland... Before Oliver interfered...'

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