Chapter 2: The one handed pirate with a drinking problem

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This is the first chapter of my new book, as chapter one was the same as the final chapter of "Pan's Tiger" to save any confusion, which makes me really excited.
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'Lily...?' I stopped dead in my tracks, my heart rate accelerating. Many, many people call my Tiger Lily or Tiger every day, but only two people alive call me Lily, and only one is on this island. 'Lily, I know you are there.'

I felt myself smirk, pleased that I had finally found Killian Jones again, who had now become a pirate named "Hook". It didn't matter, because where Peter had left him standing, I had placed a tiger lily, so that he would know it was me.

'Killian Jones..?' I whispered, before spinning around to stand face to face with my old lieutenant when I first arrived in Neverland.

His eyes met mine, demanding to be listened to. I didn't say anything, we both stood watching each other with awe; he looked at me as if I wasn't even real. Lieutenant Killian Jones looked so different, his body plagued with age, his countenance now had aged to look about ten or fifteen years older than how I remember him to be. He wasn't himself; he had changed, but he was still Killian Jones, even though the biggest, most inconceivable change was that he was now known as Captain Hook.

'Or should I say Captain Hook?' I said snidely, giving him a theatrical, ladylike curtsy in respect, my eyes dipping to his hooked hand, which was a more recent addition because on the boat he definitely had two hands. I guessed that was where his name came from.

'Lily... is it really you?' Killian whispered, the words barely forming on his lips. His eyes narrowed, searching my body curiously. I hadn't aged a day since he left me, so I was just like a ghost of his imagination, something he had created as an association to Neverland.

'Yes, it's me.' I confirmed and carried on walking until I reached him. I became so close his eyes warmed from the hard countenance that had plastered itself onto his face since his encounter with Pan on this trip.

I took a dainty step forwards, smiling as widely as I could manage. 'I take it your here for the boy.' I offered.

Hook didn't reply at first, his eyebrows were knitted together and his mouth was dry. His eyes wandered across my body too, as if trying to puzzle something out. Although my appearance hadn't aged at all, my style had evolved from pirating to native-girl. He frowned and I followed his gaze to my bow, quiver of arrows, dagger and my pouch containing things like matches and a vile of the deadly poison Dreamshade, just in case.

'What are you wearing? You suddenly look pretty terrifying to me.'

'That's what I was going for.' I replied simply and coldly, noticing how only a few years had changed him so much. I suddenly agreed with Pan, who came to Neverland solely to avoid this problem: growing up is overrated.

He was both amazed, dismayed and bemused by my threatening attire. At the same time realisation flashed across his eyes as he looked behind me at the space where Pan had gone. At first he looked angry, but then he suddenly understood. I was with Pan, for protection purposes. 'Aren't you a little feminine for a Lost Boy?'

'Of course, which is why I am a reluctant, unwilling Lost Girl.' I snapped back angirly, insulted by his criticism of some of the most respectable boys I had ever met. The Lost Boys weren't just protection, they were my new family.

His eyes weren't angry, they were delighted, like I had shown him a snapshot of his past: my stubbornness. He suddenly came forward, forcing me to retract a little, until his hands pulled me into a tight, brotherly hug.

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