Chapter 1

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Here's a book idea I had a few days ago, I would like you all to check it out and tell me what you think. Also I'm not quitting writing SILTW I'm just writing both :)


Do you ever feel like crying, even when you’re not sad? Do you ever hear a song and want to cry, but can’t? Have you ever felt numb? Like you just can’t feel when you’re supposed to? Have you ever felt like you were too far in, to ever find your way out? Have you ever felt fake? Like you’re not reaching your true potential? Like you’re stuck in a rut that you can’t break? Do you ever feel like you’re not in control of any aspect of your life?

          I do. To all of the above.

          I’m Nikki, the tomboy. That’s how they think of me. Well the few people that come in contact with the true me. They also say I’m a master of disguises.

It’s true.

One minute I’m your friend, the next minute I’m shoving a pistol in your face. And might I add, smiling while I’m doing so. Well it’s more of a smirk but I’m getting off topic…

I was sitting on the floor smirking whilst I polished my gun. While I was doing that it was pointed right at the new recruit.

She fidgeted nervously on the floor across the room, never taking her eyes off the gun. She had blond curly locks and it looked like green eyes. Judging by her mature heart shaped face she looked older than me, probably early 20s.

“Get up.” I ordered making her jump to her feet. I took my time standing up and realized she was about a head taller than me. She was wearing a pretty, frilly, feminine, white sundress.

It made me want to puke my guts out.

I extended my arm until my gun was directly in front of her nose. A bead of sweat dripped from her forehead as her eyes shined with fear. She looked at me, silently pleading for me to have a heart. My face didn’t change from its stony expression as I flipped off the safe with a resounding click.

She closed her eyes and cringed, awaiting her death. After a minute she reopened her eyes to see me handing it to her. Without a second thought she took it from me so I wouldn’t change my mind.

“Shoot me.” I said emotionless.

“Wha what?!” She stuttered.

“Shoot. Me.” I repeated putting on my poker face.

“I won’t!” She cried, mortified with the thought of killing someone. I almost smiled at her innocence. I had never been like that.

“It’s me or you.”

She gulped and raised the gun like I had, before lowering it again. “But you’re a kid!” She wailed.

“It’s your choice.” I said having to refrain myself from beating her up. No one calls me a kid, NO ONE!

She raised it again and tears streamed down her cheeks as she pulled the trigger. A small click made her eyes widen.

I took my gun from her numb fingers and wiped where her sweaty hands had been.

“Congrats.” I said in my usual monotone.

“Huh?” She stated dumbly, still in shock I guess.

I heard laughter and knew it was coming. The boys burst through the door at that moment laughing their butts off.

“Nice performance!” Todd commented slinging an arm around my shoulder. I shrugged it off and pointed the gun at him.

“Back off!” I said annoyed at him for constantly trying to hug me and put his arm around me. I don’t know why but it just got under my skin.

“We all know that gun isn’t loaded!” He laughed manically.

“Yeah but it’s hard.” I informed him, whacking his arm with it. “Next time it’ll be the face pretty boy!”

He was about to reply but Chang interrupted. “The girl.” He reminded us. The thing is about Chang… He’s not really Asian. He changed his name to that, stating Asians can do anything. He also died his brown wavy hair black to fit the part.

I turned to the girl. “Name?” I demanded.

“Paullina.” She answered timidly.

I wrinkled my nose before shaking my head at the girly name. I thought it was a very pretty name. That’s why I hated it. “Your name is Zoe.”

“But.” She started to say but I cut her off.

“It’s Zoe!” I said with more force. “Well Zoe welcome to the Hood family.”

Like a Boy. Only With More Hair... (On Hold, Might Not Finish)Where stories live. Discover now