
"Here we go" Blair mumbles as shouting and banging echoes through the pack house.

"I've should of went back home last night" Lena groans covering her face with her hands.

"Where would the fun be in that? Plus you wouldn't be sitting here deflowered, and enjoying breakfast with your favorite cousin" Blair mocks.

"Shut it blabbermouth" Lena shushes throwing a piece of her muffin at her. "And stop talking about my personal life" She orders slightly annoyed.

"Oh, please" Blair huffs rolling her eyes.

"Girls we're not going to have a rematch from this morning are we?" Ashton amuses from the other end of the table.

"Quite you barbarian, and mind your business. Just eat your heart attack you call a breakfast you have over there" Blair orders.

"Please, I need to get as much protein as I can in my system with the way you make me work in the bed-"Ashton started to comment back, but Blair cuts him off.

"Don't you dare finish that sentence" She hisses throwing a piece of her bacon at him. Ashton just catches the piece of meat smirking at her before taking a bite. This had Lena in a fits of laughter watching them interacting like middle schoolers.

Soon Lena's laughter was cut off when her father stormed in the dining area fuming. Her father stood there red face at 6'3, and 225 pounds of solid muscle. He scanned the room with those sea green eyes that all warriors had, and landed on three set of curious eyes.

"YOU" he raged pointing at his daughter. Lena's spin stiffen at the tone he used, and the look in his eye that said 'You're never leaving my sight again'. "GET IN THE CAR! WE ARE LEAVING" her order through clench teeth.

"Why? I'm having breakfast with Blair?" Lena asks trying to control her voice.

"Hi Uncle Jared" Blair spoke like it was just like any other day.

"Blair, I hope everything is going well for you" Jared responded changing his tone a little. Even though he was her uncle, and cared for her dearly. He couldn't make her leave without her parents' permission, and at the moment he couldn't get ahold of them.

"Yeah, it's not too bad here. They have been so kind to me, letting me have my own cot in the basement. On Wednesdays I'm allowed outside for an hour to let my wolf run. Oh, and the best part is. If I do all my daily duties of slave work, they give me the left over scrapes from dinner" She says being serious. Ashton snaps his head from her Uncle over to her in disbelief at what she was saying. "I'm mean what more can a girl ask for out of life" she sighs dreamily.

"Blair!" Ashton squeaks loudly before he instantly turn his attention back to her uncle to correct her lies. But quickly clamped his mouth closed when he showed the amused look on her uncles face.

"Well, I'm glad my niece hasn't changed her sense of humor" He chuckles. Ashton turns back to his food in a sigh of relief that his mate's family got her twisted humor.

"Lena, I will not repeat myself again" Jared directed his attention back to his daughter.

"This is so unfair father" Lena groans pushing out of the set, but he didn't respond as he waiting for her. Before doing as she was order she walks over to her cousin giving her a hug, and letting her know she would call her later.

"Bye" she mumbles to Ashton, and he does the same.

Lena made her way to the foyer with her father hot on her trail. She understand why he was upset, but she felt he was over reacting. Clearly Blair was safe, and doing fine over her with her mate. So why is he making a big deal about her visiting her?

Entering the foyer Lena comes to a halt when she noticed army of men. Damian stood tall with his arms crossed making his muscles bulge out. Lena couldn't help but drool over her mate. His hair was pulled back showing his perfect sculpted face, and wearing a black wife-beater that clung to his body deliciously. Dark washed out blue jeans followed, that hung on those well define hips that just where between her legs last night. Shaking her head of those erotic memories, before she got herself in trouble. Focusing back to reality she notices Damian was now looking at her. She froze. Not because he was looking at her, but because his wolf was showing.

"Shit" she groans silently to herself.




**UPDATE(3/1/17)** Re-read and edited some, let me know if I miss anything- thanks for reading :-)

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