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*Christmas day*

*Aiden's POV*

I walked downstairs. I get way too excited for Christmas. I swear I shouldn't, I'm eighteen years old and very excited for a day that's aimed at children.

"Good morning sweetie, happy Christmas!" Mum said greeting me with a kiss and a very tight hug.

"Did you have a good sleep?" She asked, I nodded at her.

"Its weird being back, but its weird being away! I want to go back but I want to stay! I guess I just miss everyone and I don't realise just how much until I get back and see everyone!" I did miss everyone. It makes me want to stay here forever, but I know I can't.

"You'll be finished university before you know it."


"Have you had a good day so far?" Sofia asked as I sat down in their living room. "Yeah its been great so far."

"How does it feel being back home from uni?"

"Weird, but amazing at the same time. I didn't realise just how much I missed the place!"

She nodded at me before walking off into the kitchen. I walked up to Leigh's bedroom and walked through "You look amazing." She was wearing a baggy blue top with dark blue jeans. She suits anything, I don't know how she does it.

"How you feeling today?" I asked, she shuck her head "Well I've stopped throwing up if that's what you mean!"

"Have you seen your new best friend today?" She asked not sounding too happy.

"I thought we got over the whole Bradley situation?" I asked.

"Yeah well maybe I've changed my mind on him!"


"Look, I'm sorry! I just, well, I don't know really!"

I walked up to her and put my hands on her waist. "Look, let's just forget about Bradley for today. We'll sort that out another day."

She looked up to me. She looked really sad for some odd reason.

"I've missed you so much Aiden while you've been away. I don't want you to go back."

"I only have a few more months left there! I'm pretty sure we'll both survive this."

"Being away just made me realize, I can't live without you. You're my absolute world Leigh. You're a part of me and I never want anything to change us. We're forever and no one will ever change that. Not even Bradley!"


We took a slow walk out, I don't know where we're going but we're going out.

"You don't seem yourself today, I get a feeling its more then you not feeling well!" I look at her to see she was looking ahead. She looked to me worryingly.

"I just don't want you to go away again. I want you to stay here with me."

We stopped near a park, I leant against a bench.

"I don't have to go back if you don't want me to?"

I put my hands to her cheeks and wiped away the tears that rolled down them.

"Aiden, I'm pregnant!" She stayed looking down.

I moved my hands away. She's what?

"Did you cheat on me?" I asked.

She looked at me before tutting "No Aiden, I didn't. You're the dad!"

My jaw dropped. She's pregnant, with my baby, what am I supposed to do? I can just about look after myself let alone someone else.

"I just thought I'd tell you. I get that you have uni and everything but there's no need to worry about it." She said before walking off. I should follow her and tell her not to do something stupid and I'm going to be here for her and this baby.

But I can't, I can't move. I'm in too much shock. I never expected her to say such a thing.

I slowly walked off home. I didn't know what to do right now.

When I got home, I sat on the sofa and stared at the table. I don't know how long I was alone for, but the front quickly opened which made me jump. Mum came in and sat next to me.

"Leigh's just told us. Tell me what you're thinking?"

I shuck my shoulders at her, "I don't know, what do I do?" I looked at her hoping she can tell me what to.

"Look, Aiden, I'm shocked at the news but you can only do what makes you both happy. If you don't want this baby then you need to tell her, tell her before its too late because if you don't say anything then she'll get the baby aborted!"

She got up and walked out. The thought of her getting rid of the baby upset me. I just don't know if I'm ready to be a dad just yet.


I looked over to the clock to see it was 11:20am. I haven't been able to sleep all night, this baby situation is all I've been able to think about.

"Aiden, I just thought you might want to know that Sofia and Leigh are going down the walk-in-centre today, I'm sure you can gather why!" Mum said as I walked into the kitchen.

I walked out, grabbed my jacket and walked out the house. I needed to talk to Leigh, I needed to make sure she knows how I felt, before its too late.

I walked up her street, as I got closer, Sofia came walking out onto the driveway. She looked round - presumably to Leigh - before looking back at me.

Leigh came down and appeared from around the corner, she had a cardigan wrapped round her, with her arm around her hips, keeping it in place.

"Can we talk?" I asked her.

"Talk? You better explain yourself Aiden. You have a lot of explaining to do!" She gave me a dirty look before walking away.

Leigh started to walk off, I followed her, though I don't know where she was going.

"You better be quick, I've got to leave in a few minutes!" She sounded really angry, though I would be if I was her.

"I'm sorry for yesterday. I just didn't expect you to come out with what you did that's all!" I began, though I don't know how to finish it.

"Aiden, do you realise how difficult this has been for me. Yes, I know I'm responsible for this, but honestly? I'm crapping myself. Last time, with Tasha, Robbie left me because I was pregnant, now its happening all over again.

I didn't want you to leave because I thought maybe this time I could do it properly this time; I could be a proper mum and my baby have a proper dad. I wouldn't have to lie to this child about who its parents are. But obviously I was wrong, you're clearly just like Robbie, you walk away at the first hurdle without even facing the problem. All I want is for you to be there, or tell me what you want so I know what to do!"

I walked closer to her and pressed my lips against her. "Shut up a minute!" I said, breaking away from her before kissing her again.

"What you trying to say?" She said pulling away from me.

"I'll always be here for you, Leigh, and this baby. It was just a shock that's all. I want this baby, if you do. I don't have to go back to university, I got what I needed from it. Just please forgive me and don't go to the walk-in-centre."

She wrapped her arms around my neck before kissing me again.

"Leigh, we're in a random street snogging, isn't that a bit weird?" I asked.

She giggled before we walked back to hers. "By the way, how far are you?" I asked "Four months."


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