"Pitts! Where do you think you're going?"

I thought I would get away from Bradley today, but obviously I was wrong.

"Pitts, don't ignore me!"

I stopped and turned round. "What do you want Bradley?" I asked.

"What do I want? Well for you to not be in this school anymore!" He came up to me. He was more than twice the size of me. He had the muscles, which actually scared me a little. He also was much taller than me so it was really intimidating.

He grabbed me by my throat and pinned me up to the wall before lifting his fist and punching me full force in my cheek. He unpinned me and I fell to the floor. I placed my hand to my cheek, it was sore already.

"If you are a real man you'd get up and fight your battles Pitts!" He said. I got up and as I did, he punched me again, and again. He constantly hit and punched me.

I lay on the ground as he beat me. I started to chock up blood.

I'm going to die. I won't survive this.

"Aiden, are you alright?" A teacher said coming up to me.

"Aiden, wake up!" I quickly shot up in bed to see mum facing me.

She stroked my cheek "I thought your nightmares had stopped." She said, almost a whisper. "I did too."

When I was at school, I got badly bullied. I used to get called all sorts like 'fat', 'ugly', 'a waste of life'. It got to the extent that I beaten up over and over; I got put in hospital three times because my injuries were that bad. In the end I got taken out of school because of it.

I walked into the kitchen to get a drink, I heard my mum at the door "He's not in the mood for talking but carry on, but if he has a go, please don't take it personal"

"Hello stranger!" I turned round to see Leigh. "You look nice!" I said looking at her up and down.

She was wearing a pair of shorts with a crop top and sandals. "Thanks!" She replied.

I walked back outside, "Erm, I thought I'd come here to see you because I was really excited to spend time with you!"

"We're meeting tomorrow though!" I chuckled.

"Yes, but I thought I'd just come here. I see your house still looks the same, it brings back a lot of memories."

We sat there in silence for a while; I didn't know what I should say to her.

"Are you okay? Your mum said that you weren't yourself, do you wanna talk?"

"No you won't understand!" I laid my head back and turned to Leigh.

"Its good to see you though!"

"Mutual, does that mean we have to have grown up conversations?" She asked "I don't know, can't we just be immature and pretend that were kids again? Maybe we could make mud pies again!" I laughed at the memories of the mud pies we used to make when we were little. We always got told of for it but we carried on making them anyway.

"Hey, remember that mud pie I made and there was a worn wiggling out of it?"

"Yeah, and you ran off crying!" I forgot all about that time.

We sat and laughed for what seemed like ages. We spoke about old times.

I forgot how happy we were together. I forgot about all those little moments we had together, the moments that actually matters.

"I'm glad you came today, I was in a bit of a sluggish mood earlier but you've made me feel so much better. Thank you for that!"

"Its been my pleasure Aiden, I had fun remembering the good old days!"

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