I had probably the worst day ever at work. Every customer wouldn't stop complaining, I wouldn't usually moan but it's not like they had anything decent to complain about!

I strolled down my street, I felt like absolute crap today, like everything was going to go wrong.

I walked through the front door to my house "Hey hunny, how work did go?" Mum asked as I walked into the kitchen.

"Great." I replied. I didn't want to talk to anyone. I grabbed an apple and went back out the house without saying anything else to mum.

I went to the lake; I really needed to let off steam.

When I got there I sat on the edge of the deck. Tears rolled down my cheeks, I really wanted this day to end. I seriously hated when I had days like this.

I looked at my reflection in the water, I don't like what I see, I never have done. I just wish I didn't think this way.

I wish my life was just non-existent. I just hate it. I hate this feeling. I hate feeling like I'm worthless. I hate feeling like no one will ever care or understand me.

*Leigh's POV*

"Leigh, Denise is on the phone. She wants to talk to you!" Just when I get comfy in bed something always makes me get out.

I ran downstairs to get the phone "Hey Denise, what's up?"

"Leigh, is Aiden with you?"

"Nope, I haven't spoken to him all day! He hasn't replied to any of my texts! Why?"

"He walked off earlier and he hasn't been back. He was in one of his moods. He's not answering my calls or texts either. I don't know where he could be, we've looked everywhere for him."

My heart started beating fast; it feels as if it's going to pounce out of my chest.

Then I thought about the lake, he said he goes there when he's having one of those days.

"Erm, I think I know where he might be. I'm gonna go, I'll be in contact with you about him."

"Thank you so much Leigh!"

I put the phone down and grabbed my shoes and jacket. "What's happened Leigh?" Mum asked "Its Aiden, he's not answering anyone calls or texts and he's not at home. He hasn't been back all day."

I ran out the house and towards the lake, I just hope I remember the way.

It felt like I was running for ages, just running but not getting anywhere.

After what felt like eternity, I finally came to a place I recognized. I saw a figure on the edge of the deck. I instantly knew it was Aiden. I walked up to him and sat beside him.

I placed my head on his shoulder "She called you didn't she? My mum!" "Aiden she was worried about you. We all were, you weren't answering any of our calls or texts. You ran off earlier, how could you expect any of us not to be worried?"

"Yeah, well I'm surprised any of you actually noticed that I was gone!"

I stood up and walked of a few steps. He stood up too.

"Right Aiden, do you know what? People care about you. I care, your parents care, and to me that's all that matters. You don't need anyone else in your life. If you say I or your parents don't care then you seriously need to re-think your priorities."

"But Leigh, I can't help it. I went through secondary school with people who never cared about me; I got made to feel like I was nothing. That's going to stick with me forever. I can't help to think the way I do. You need to understand that."

I let out a little sigh. I know it must be hard for him. I don't want to imagine what he went through but there are still people who do care. I walked towards him and took hold of his hands.

"I know it's hard for you, Aiden. But you're one in a million okay? You're such a special person. Throughout my childhood, you were the reason for my happiness. You were my happiness. Now, you still are my happiness. You're beautiful, inside and out. You need to get that in your head. Those bullies aren't apart of your life anymore. That chapter is over and you're starting a new one. A new chapter with people who actually care."

I looked in his eyes. His big blue eyes looked dim, he has defiantly been crying. I got up on my tip toes and kissed him softly. He placed his hands on my waist.

"I don't deserve you Leigh."

"Yes you do!" I giggled.

His phone started to vibrate in his pocket "Are you going to answer that?" I asked. He shuck his head.

I put my hand in his pocket and took out his phone. It was his mum.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Leigh? You've found him?"

"Yes, I'm with him now, I'll bring him home."


I walked Aiden home; I wanted to make sure he actually went home.

"Aiden, you're okay. Don't ever do that to me again." Denise wrapped her arms around his neck.

"I'm sorry mum!"

"Thank you Leigh!" She said once facing me "My pleasure Denise!" "How are getting home? Do you want a lift?"

"No thanks, my dad's on his way!"

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