*Leigh's POV*

I ran into Aiden's house and out into the conservatory. I didn't want anyone near me now.

I sat there for about ten minutes when Denise walked in. She sat beside me and put her arm around me. I cried into her.

"I don't know why I'm taking it this bad. I guess it's because he's been there for me. Hes known me my whole life and I'm used to having him around. I don't want to not have him around, I want him here with us. Does that make me selfish? Because he's the only person who understands me and has never once judged me for the things I have done or the decisions I have made! I just hate thinking that this is like last time when I moved away." I wiped my eyes as I had finally stopped crying.

Denise passed me an envelope "Here, I promised Aiden that I'd give you this. I don't know what it, a letter I suppose, but he was ega that you got it." She smiled at me before leaving me alone to read the letter.

'Dear Leigh

I know I'm going away, I know deep down that you're hurt over it. But I want you to know something; I don't mean to hurt you. I know what it's like to be hurt and I don't intend to inflict that on anyone.

It feels like I'm eleven again, when I found out you had left. But I didn't realise that I was going to feel like this. I'm going to be back though, I promise you! I just want to know if I can go back into education without having people that hate my guts and want me dead. For once, I want to be able to face my fears and hopefully do something with my life instead of being stuck in a part time job at Greggs - I did love it there though, don't get me wrong on that count -.

But I want you to do one thing for me Leigh. I have enclosed a ring in the envelope, it's a promise ring, and I want you to wear it but as long as you promise me this one thing?

I want you to promise me that nothing or no will ever break us apart. I don't want any secrets in this. I want to get back from university and I want to be able to stand in front of you with no secrets and no lies. Because I don't like that, I want to be as true as possible around you. Just please promise me that will you?

You have been my only friend and my only lover and I want to make sure that I keep you Leigh because you're one special person who I will never forget but for all the right reasons. I don't ever want to lose you.

But I guess until I get back then were gonna have to cope with not being around each other. Just remember that I love you Leigh!'

I looked inside the envelope and took out the ring he spoke about. It was beautiful. I put on my middle finger on my left hand.

I'm never going to leave his side no matter what. He's too important.

*Aiden's POV*

I've now arrived on campus at uni. It feels odd being here. But it feels great knowing that no one here knows me or knows my past. It feels like a fresh start. I like this feeling actually.

I got to my room and unpacked my things, my roommate hadn't arrived yet so I took advantage of choosing what bed I chose and being able to put all my The Fray posters up.

It took me ages to put my stuff away but once I was done, it felt great. I looked round at my things and felt a sense of achievement.

I took my phone out of my pocket to ring my parents when I noticed that I had loads of missed calls and texts. They were a missed between Leigh and my parents.

It dawned on me about them all. I really miss them. I'm not going to see them until Christmas which is just under four months away.

I rang the house phone and waited. It felt like ages until someone answered but once some did, it was my dad.

"Hello?" He asked picking the phone up.

"Hey dad!"

"Aiden, how are you? Have you arrived?" He asked.

"Yes, I'm settled here now. I just realised that I had missed calls from you all so I thought I'd ring you back!"

"How is it going? Have you done anything yet?"

"I've just unpacked my things. I haven't done anything else as of yet. Is Leigh still there?"

"No she's not. I think you should ring her! She was still cut up after you left."

After I spoke to dad, I rang Leigh but she never picked up. So I decided that I'll have to ring her in the morning!

I lay down and looked around to the room. It's a good size I must admit. The walls are painted white with two white tables, each student got one each. The beds were pretty comfy too. That's a good thing I guess, at least I know I'll be getting a good night's sleep.

My thoughts got distracted by the door opening, well here comes my roommate.

I sat up when I realised who it was.

It was Bradley.

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