*Aiden's POV*

So know Leigh is the one ignoring my calls and texts. I feel really paranoid now. Is that normal? Is this how she, mum and dad feel like when I ignore them?

I walked to her house, talking to her in person seems like a good thing to do right now. That way, she can't ignore me.

I knocked on her front door and waited. Waited for someone to answer. The door started to open, it revealed Thomas.

"Erm, hey, is Leigh in?" He looked at me funny. Like he didn't expect me to come here.

"No she's not. She went out, obviously she didn't tell you?"

"Well considering she was meant to be meeting up with me, I kind of knew, yes!"

"Oh, well I'm sure wires got crossed along the line. She's gone out with an old friend from school. I'll tell her you called when she gets back!"

I started to walk back. That was probably one of the weirdest moments ever. Thomas has never acted like that around me.

*Leigh's POV*

I finally got back after what seemed like the longest day ever.

I walked into the kitchen, after saying hello to Tasha and got greeted by mum doing the washing up and dad reading the daily newspaper.

"Aiden called round earlier. Were you too busy to reply to his calls to cancel your meeting with him?" Dad put his paper down on the table. Damn, I'm going to get one of his lectures.

"My phone was on silent so I didn't realise he was calling. But I forgot to call him back!" I looked down at my feet.

"Leigh, you don't need reminding of what happened before we came back here. Either I or your mother wants too. But you go ring Aiden and tell him you're sorry for not getting in contact. I'm not having you string him along, he's a good kid and he's what you need to stay in line."

I ran upstairs and sat on the edge of my bed. I took my phone out and brought Aiden's number up on screen. I dialled it and waited.

"Hello?" He answered. He sounded different, weary. But then again, so would I.

"Hey!" I finally replied. "Erm, sorry I haven't replied to any of your calls, I was busy."

"Yeah, your dad said you were out with a friend. Did you have a good day?"

I thought about it for a moment. I did. But then again, I didn't. I didn't want to ignore Aiden, but I felt I had to, just so I could get things straight.

"Leigh?" He said as I hadn't replied to what he said. "Sorry, erm, yeah I had a good day!" A lump formed in my throat. I knew I was going to cry.

I quickly hung up the phone without saying anything. I brought my knees to my chest, wrapped my arms around them for support and cried. I don't know what to feel right now.

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