I finally finished work after a six hour shift. It felt like I was there for eternity. We were really busy today, though that has something to do with it being Saturday.

"Hey hunny, how was work?" Mum asked. "Busy, but alright otherwise."

It was Leigh's birthday today; me mum and dad got invited round for dinner. Her dad is a chef so he's cooking.

I got changed out of my work clothes and looked for something casual. Though majority of clothes I have are ripped jeans and plain long sleeved tops. Normal look is the look I'll have to go for.

After I grabbed a bite to eat, we made our way to Leigh's. There were banners all outside of her house, they were all personalised, they had 'Happy 18th birthday Leigh' on them.

Thomas and Tasha were in the front garden. By the looks of it, Tasha was trying to help Thomas put the banners up, buy instead, she just kept on biting them.

"Hello, come in, come in! Tasha darling come on in!" Tasha followed Thomas into the house.

The inside of the house was also covered in banners as well as balloons. There were music playing in the background though I'm not sure who it is.

"You came!" Leigh beamed at us. "Yay!" Tasha also beamed, clapping her hands! I laughed at Tasha, "She's a bit of a comical one isn't she?" I stated.

"We wouldn't miss your birthday for anything Leigh!" Mum said going over to her to give her a kiss. "Have you had a good day so far?" Mum asked her. "Yes, its been great!"

"Okay guys, diner will be ready in ten. So you can just sit down for now." Thomas said coming in from the kitchen.

I sat down on the sofa, to which dad followed me. "Here's your present Leigh!" Mum passed her a bag. She sat on the floor in front of us. Tasha sat next to her and watched her open her present. Leigh smiled when she opened her present. Mum and dad had bought her a jacket which has army print on it. She'd wanted one for ages according to her parents.

"How did you know I wanted one?" She asked coming over to mum and dad and hugging them. "We have our connections Leigh!" Dad replied, not actually saying who told them.

"Diners ready guys!" Thomas said coming in. We all made our way into the kitchen. "Hey Leigh. Erm, I got you something for your birthday but its at mine, you can come round in a bit if you want to get it?" She nodded at me before hugging into me.

A weird feeling came over me as I hugged her back. Last time I hugged her was when we left primary school, which was the last day I had seen her.

We walked into the kitchen and sat down to eat. "So then Aiden, Leigh was telling us you work at Greggs?" Sofia began "Do you enjoy it?"

"Yeah I guess so, I haven't left yet so I guess I enjoy it there." I never complain about working there, I just got on with it.

"What made you go to work and not carry on studying once leaving school?" Oh. I sat there strummed. Do I have to answer this?

"Working just seemed more appropriate that's all." I finally replied. She smiled at me before carrying on eating.


"I'll be back soon then!" Leigh said, giving her parents a kiss goodbye, Tasha waved at her while yawning. Leigh put her new jacket on that my parents got her and walked down the path.

"I can't wait to see what you got me. I bet its amazing!" "I hope you like it!" I admitted, it was something she wanted when we were younger, I heard her mention it a few days back, that's why I got it her, but now I'm just doubting it.

When we got to mine, we went up to my bedroom as that was where the present was.

"Oh wow, I see you're still into The Fray then? Time hasn't changed you has it?" She stated looking around to all my The Fray signed photo frames of them which I had put up earlier that day.

When we younger, we were obsessed with the band. We would always pretend to meet them to see how we would react. I think back to it and smile, it sounds really laim but it made us happy.

"Anyway, here's your present! If you don't like it then it don't matter. I saw it and thought of you!" I passed her it and she opened it quickly. Her face lit up and she squealed.

"Aiden, its amazing! I love it!" She came over to me and hugged me! "That's good then!" I got her a limited signed photo of The Fray.

I collected the wrapping paper and placed it in the bin. "You play guitar?" She asked looking towards my guitar case. I nodded to her "Wow, you should've said. What can you play?"

"I play a lot of The Fray songs. Well actually I can play all of their songs off by heart." I didn't just how obsessed that makes me until now.

"That's taken things to a whole new level Aiden!"

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