"Park!" Tasha beamed as we came into view of the park. I think she's a little excited to go to the park.

She walked beside me and held my hand. I loved the way she walks, she struggles with it and keeps falling but I keep catching her so I guess that's a good thing.

"Leigh!" She stooped and turned round to face Leigh. She started to wave at her.

"I don't think you understand how cute you two look. I'm literally in love!"

I started to blush, I've never been told I looked good with children in toe. But I've never been too close with children because they've scared me.

"I love you!" She said before kissing me.

"Errr!" I pulled away and looked at Tasha; she was pulling a look of horror. "Shut it you!" Leigh stuck her tongue out at her.

We got to the park so I put Tasha down; she ran to the swings and waited by one. I caught up with her and put her in it and swung her.

*Leigh's POV*

I sat on the grass watching Aiden play with Tasha. I don't know where I'd actually be without him! He's been through so much himself yet he's still the strongest person I know. He makes me happy just by being here.

"Why is another lad playing happy families with my daughter?" I shot up off the ground; I looked up to Robbie who glared over to Aiden playing with Tasha "Well you did make it clear that you don't want anything to do with her?" I replied.

"Yeah, well I changed my mind. I want to be a part of my daughter's life! You can't deny me that Leigh, she's mine and I want to see her grow up!"

I looked at him knowing that whatever I say, he will never allow me to win. He always knew how to control me, intimidate me.

"Leigh?" I looked round to Aiden as he approached up with Tasha. She bogged her head into him. Tasha's only met Robbie once and that time he shouted at me, he really upset her so much, I don't want her growing up to see all of that! I don't want her growing up in fear, not like I do now.

"And here he comes! The guy who thinks he can play daddy to my daughter. Well I'll tell you something sunny, she's my daughter not yours." Robbie walked up to Aiden and stood in front of him.

"I'm not trying to be her dad, simply because I'm not! You don't have the right to be her dad!" I walked to them both and stood next to Aiden.

"Scary man, home, home!" Tasha buried her head into Aiden again as tears rolled down her face.

"You don't have the right to be her dad; you lost that right when you walked out. Its a bit late to play happy families now!" Aiden said.

"If you weren't holding her right now I'd knock you out! You're lucky!"

"You really are the most pathetic human being ever! Leigh and Tasha are so much better off without you! But tell me this, what sort of impression would you be making if you starting to hit me in front of her?" Aiden shuck his head and looked at him up and down.

"You better stay away from Leigh and Tasha!" Aiden backed away and put Tasha in her pram "C'mon then!" He said to me while walking off, pushing the pram.

We walked back to mine in silence; I didn't know what to say. I don't think he did either.

"Leigh!" Tasha's head appeared round her pram while she put her hand out. I took hold of her hand "It's okay Tash!" I told her.

I looked down on her bright green eyes. I'm glad she's young and doesn't understand what's happening. She deserves so much better than this, she really does.

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