I love you...

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Jacks pov:

Rebecca, Jenna and I returned into our human form and asked Jennifer to come back to our house. She grabbed her jacket and her phone and grabbed her brothers keys and let me drove his car.

When we got back to the house everyone was out hunting. We sat down at the house and decided to tell Jennifer our secret.

I sat down next to Jennifer and Rebecca them sat in front of us.

"How did you figure out about us?" Rebecca asked Jennifer.

"Skylar and the growling, jacks speed and strength.. The eye changing.. And the amazing bond you guys have.... and the body warmth that Jack has." Jennifer sighed.

"How did you figure out it was us outside your house." Jenna asked.

"Because, Jack visit me the other day, and when I seen him with his grey eyes at school it kinda gave it away." Jennifer looks down.

"Well we were wolfs since the age of 10.. We were just pups... We didn't know much about anything. We were clueless. My parents died fighting an other tribe to protect me. I would've been alpha but I gave it up to my uncle. he deserves it. and the reason why I am very protective for you is because I imprinted on you.. That's why Rebecca them protect you as well.." I explained.

"Then why did Skylar growl at me?" Jennifer asked.

"You were an intruding our property... He's like the guard dog. He knew I let you in because he seen me with out." Jack sighed.

"Well I'm glad you guys told me instead of lying saying I'm going crazy." Jennifer smiled.

"Well everyone accepts you now." Jenna smiled.

" I can't believe that you guys are wolfs." Jennifer smiled.

Jennifer kept going on and on about how it's cool and stuff.

I grabbed her fave and made a duck face for her. Squeezing her cheeks inward to her lips.

She tried to stop me... But I pulled her close and kissed her.

The craziness you felt disappeared and all I felt was love. She was finally mines.
I wrapped my arms around her and held her close and tight.

Rebecca and Jenna screamed
"YAY!!!!!! The birth of jannifer."

Jennifer pulled away and blushed. She leaned her head into my chest and smiled.

"Jennifer, I love you..." I said.

Jennifer blushed even more and hid her face more in my chest.

"I love you too Jack." Jennifer looked into my eyes.

I leaned in and gave her a kiss on her forehead.


I drove Jennifer home and I was outside her back yard. She jumped on my back and I ran in a circle for a while.

"Wanna see how I turn into a wolf?" I asked.

She nodded her yes and jumped off
my back. She stepped back..

I took off my shirt and began huffing and puffing. My eyes started changing color. Smoke partials came out of me. I growled
and jumped in the air. As I jumped my legs and arms turned into paws. My face grew and my fur grew..

Jennifer smiled and ran towards me after I turned into a wolf.

" Hi Jack... " she smiled.

My dark grey eyes looked into her dark brown eyes and I melted inside. She gave me a kiss on my forehead and I headed out to the forest.

I looked back and she was waving and she came running in the forest and gave me another kiss on my cheek and she ran inside the house.


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