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Jennifer's pov:

The next morning Rebecca texted me.

(Becs): "Jennifer, meet us by the gym when you get to school. :) Kay, bye."

I brushed my hair and straightened it. I added a light shade of makeup. I picked out a shorts and a t-shirt. I grabbed my converse and woke up my brothers.

They were already up and playing video games.

"Really you guys?" I stood at the door.

"What?!" Alex snarled at me.

"We have school! Dummies ." I walked away and headed down stairs to get me a snack.


Ten minutes passed and they finally came
down all ready. They came down laughing.

"Jennifer!" Chad yells

"What! Loser!" I was getting irritated.

"Hurry up!" Alex tells me.

"Shut up I am ready."

I walk outside and hop in the car. I was texting Rebecca. They finally came in the car.

"Hey we're sorry." Chad felt bad.

"What ever. Just drop my off at the gym at school." I blasted my music and put on my ear phones.


We got to school and Alex dropped me off by the gym and I met up with Rebecca.

"JENNIFER!!!" Rebecca yelled and ran towards me.

" what?!" I asked.

"I need to tell you something before Jack comes back with out smoothies." Rebecca pulled me to the bleachers

"What is it?" I question.

"Jack is very shy.. So if he stutters a lot, he's just really shy. and he couldn't stop talking about you yesterday. His Aunty was so excited to hear about you ." Rebecca smiled.

Jack came back and gave smoothies to everyone. He got me strawberry kiwi lemonade surprise.

Jack actually looked cute today with his beanie on and his jacket. He sat down next to me and then Rebecca pulls out her phone and takes a picture of me.

I cover my face and so did Jack.

"What are you doing?" Jack asked.

"Saving the memories." Becca have a snarl look.


Later that day they asked me to go hang out with them at the mall.

Me and Jack were walking behind Jenna and Becca.

"so what made you move here to Havens peak?" Jack asked.

"My mom died and she grew up here. So my dad wanted to be closer to her then ever."

"Oh I'm very sorry."

"It's fine. It's just I miss her a lot. Having Jenna and Becca helps cause all my life I had guy friends cause of my brothers."

"Were you shy?" Jack asked.

"Very shy.. Like all my brothers friends liked me but I never date them cause who would I have to cry to at night without my mom. My dad works at night. We have school during the day so he's never home with us. "

"Well you have us, and your more then welcome to come and stay when ever you need to." Jack smiled and grabbed my hand.

I pulled my hand back.

"Sorry.. My hands are sticky."
I had to lie as an excuse
not to hold jacks hand.
even though I wanted to.


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