The truth spills

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Jennifer's pov:

At school during AP English, Jack fell asleep during class and it was funny because no one could wake him up. He was out like a light. I grabbed my sharpie that I had in my hand, because I was drawing.

The guy next to me named Treston, he told me to draw on Jack.

" Hey Jennifer?" Treston smiled.

"Yeah?" I answered back.

"Draw on Jack." He chuckled.

"What should I draw?" I asked.

"Draw a penis!" He laughed.

"Ewww Treston..what's wrong with you!?" I was discussed.

"Sorry, I'm a boy don't judge me." Treston laughed.

I decided to just scribble on his face what ever I could think of.

When he got up everyone laughed at him. Jack was confused.

"Why is everyone laughing at me?" Jack asked.

He looked at the pen in my hand. He opens up his camera and looks at himself.

"Jennifer!!!" He cries.

"Yes..?" I smiled.

"Why?" He frowned.

"Sorry." I hugged him.

"AWWWWWWW!!!!" Everyone in the classroom yelled.

I quickly pulled away.


The bell rung and I grabbed my books and dashed out of the classroom.

Jack quickly caught up.

"What wrong!? Did I do something wrong to make you hate me all of a sudden?" Jack frowned.

" no it's just I don't wanna make people think were dating and then I loose you as a friend. " I sighed.

Jack stopped me from walking and looked me in the eyes. His eyes were dark grey, normally his eyes were a hazel color now it's grey.

" you're never gonna lose me. Ever. I don't care what happens.. I will still be there for you. " Jack held my arms.

"Jack.. I...." Jack stopped me.

" it's fine.. I understand..." Jack frowned. He let me go and started walking away.

" no Jack.." I stopped him.

"What is it?" Jack looked at me.

"I'm sorry.. I shouldn't have left you like that.." I hugged him.

Jack picked me up and threw me
over his shoulders and ran down the hall.

"JACK!!!" I screamed.

"Hahaha." He laughed and he dashed through everyone in the hall.

"Jack put me down please!!!" I begged.

Jack had finally stopped and he puts me down.

"Sorry, but that was fun." He laughed.

"You planned this?" I asked.

"I knew you would feel bad... and I had to make you happy somehow." Jack chuckled.

"Jaaaaaaaack..." I whined.

"You're cute when you get all pouty." Jack smiled.


I went home and I laid on my bed thinking about Jack.

He's been acting really weird since I met him.

I turned around and laid on my stomach and researched on my laptop.

I searched up people growling, over powered strength, speed, eye changing and human warmth and family bonding.

I opened up three websites. One of them said he's on steroids..

The other two say he's not only human but some sort of animal.

As I kept reading the article. My heart dropped.


my head started spinning. I took a walk on my porch. I seen wolfs standing outside of the forest looking towards me.

"REBECCA!? JENNA?! AND JACK?!" I screamed.

They walk out of the forest and into my back yard and bowed their head down low.

I quickly went downstairs and outside.

"Why didn't you guys tell me?!" I was freaking out.

The wolf with dark grey fur and a white stripe came by me and wrapped himself around me and started whimpering.

"Jack?" I questioned.

He looked up and whimpered more.

Rebecca was the white wolf and Jenna was the light brown one.

"You guys could have told me... I love you guys as my own family.. You guys could have trust me." I kneeled down by Jack and petted him.

They all looked at me and stopped whimpering and all jumped on me as hugs from them.

" you guys won't loose me." I whispered.


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