New Me.

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Jennifer's pov:

At the mall Rebecxa them took me straight to the salon and paid for me to dye my hair. They begged and begged for me to dye.

I told the lady ombré of black to brown. She smiled and made my hair and she started mixing her dyes together.


After my hair was done I took of the coat and walked towards Rebecca them
in the waiting area of the salon and all their jaws dropped.

"Is it bad?" I asked.

Rebecca runs up to me.

"YOU LOOK SOOO CUTE!!! AHHHH!" She screamed and paid the hair dresser my fee.

"Can we go timsbler please?!" Jenna begged.

We walked down there and I looked at some clothes. But what caught my eye was a new pair of vans shoes. They were black and white stripes. I smiled and I pulled them out of the box and tired them

"You look cute in them." Jack smiled.

"Aww thanks." I giggled.

"Do you want them?" He asked.

"Yeah, but I can't afford $55 dollar shoes." I took the shoes off and put them
back in the box. Jack took the box out of my hand and walked to the cash register.

"Jack! Put those back! you're not buying these for me!" I demanded.

"To late. Money's been giving.."
He surged.

"JAAAAAAACK!!" I cried.

"What?" He giggled.

"I can't accept this." I gave him
back the box of shoes.

"Look, Rebecca them have new
clothes for you. " Jack pointed out as they were walking here.

We got you new clothes for a month." Rebecca smiled.

"You guys stop paying for me.. Please you guys already paid for my hair. That'l would have been good for me
today." I cried.

"No no no, we wanted to."
Jenna smiled.


When I went home that day. My dads faves dropped. He walked towards me and began crying.

"What's wrong daddy?"

"You look so much like you mom now."
He teared.

My brothers seen the 12 bags of clothes and shoes outside.

"SPOILED BITCH MUCH?" Alex was beginning to get jealous.


When I was in my AP English class and Jack was in that class with me.
We had a substitute that day. So I ran towards Jacks seat and sat down on the chair with him.

I grabbed his phone since it was unlocked and took a picture on his phone.

I took one selfie and one picture of me
and him.

I went on his Instagram and posted the picture of both of us and caption it "selfies during class with this one 💕"

I put my number into jacks phone and made my contact name on his phone.

"JennyFur 💕🐾"

He took his phone and seen my contact on my phone.

"You're weird you know that." Jack smiled.

"Thank you." I smiled and tilted my head.

"First you steal half my seat. Then my phone. What next?" Jack smiled

" I'll steal your beanies." I giggled.

"No you won't." Jack sat up.

"I'll just ask Rebecca." I teased.

I felt jacks eyes looking at me
and smiling while I was taking some
Snapchats and instagraming.

"Hey Jennifer?" Jack asked.

"What?" I turned around.

"Wanna come over after school and meet
My family tribe." He questioned.

"Of course I will." I smiled big.

"Great.. That's really great." Jack smiled none stop.


His promises for the packTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang