"hey! im calling the po--mary?" his voice weakened.

i didn't say a word.

"harry!" he called, and my breathtaking lover turned around in a swift motion and met eyes with me right away. it was like i could see him breaking at once.

"mary." he mouthed with sad eyes, i could've sworn he was about to cry. i didn't know what to do.

he walked over slowly, and it felt like everything was moving in slow motion. when we were face to face i couldn't even bring myself to look at him.

"look at me." harry urged.

i looked him in the eye and almost broke myself. his eyes were puffy and red, his cheeks swollen.

"why would you do this to me?" he cried. "this was all going to charity and i forgave you for stealing my journal, even! but then you go against your word and keep even more secrets. you could've just told me if you were going to start stealing again. i would've ended this a while ago."

i fell to my knees. "harry, im sorry."

he clicked his teeth, wiping his tear stained cheeks. "and im calling the cops."


the police came about five minutes later, and we were all handcuffed and escorted out of the store. harry was full out sobbing while watching me being pulled away from him forever and louis stared me down like i was gum on the bottom of his shoe.

i had just broken the most fragile man in the world, harry styles. two days after he trusted me enough to give himself to me. show me parts of him that no one else had seen. what a cheaply spent waste.

the tears wouldn't stop as i sat in the holding cell, already counting down the days for a trial. then, i would only have to see harry in court again and all the feelings would be paying me another visit. what had happened to my life?

my parents had managed to jump in and ruin it, once again.

it was about morning of the next day when a guard rapped on my cell and my cell only.

"you're free to go, miss miller."


"excuse me?" i asked, looking up at the guard meekly. there was no way. the trial wasn't to be until a week from today. "im free? as in.. out?"

he nodded. "charges have been dropped. you're free to go."

it was almost like a miracle, because i would have never expected him to have so much mercy on me as to drop the charges on me completely. he could've sued me into hell, or maybe had me spend some time behind bars. but he didn't.

so as i walked into the fresh, crisp air, it was decided that the first thing i was going to do would be to thank him.

but first, i would have to find him.

the first place i checked was the most accurate. and indeed, he was still working his shift at the bakery like the committed, loving man he was. he seemed cheerful as dimples popped out and he engaged in conversation with a customer. he hugged her tightly, almost a little too tightly, and she waved and walked by me as she left. she was pretty. prettier than me.

i walked up to harry.

"why'd you drop the charges?" i asked abruptly.

he looked up from the counter and met eyes with me. even though he had that innocent smile, i could see the pain in them. "your parents are still going to jail, mary." he said passively. "jett is likely going to a foster home. and it's their fault."

"why on us though?" i asked. he just frowned like he didn't want me to be in his presence. "why me?"

he shrugged like i was nothing. i probably wasn't anymore, not to him. "you didn't steal anything. your brother was too young for jail. there."

so there weren't any lingering feelings.

i just stood there, unable to find words to say.

"mary, i might still love you." he started, playing with his fingers. that was it. there was still hope for me.

"but we're done."

the pain was so strong, physically and emotionally, that i blacked out right away.

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