Forbiden Love: Aretmis's Proposition (Percy Jackson Fanfiction)

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Prolouge: 15 years ago

Jessica Williams sobbed uncontrollably as she held the lifeless child in her arms. She had tried time and time again and the one time the pregnancy finishes the child is born dead. Jessica cried louder and pushed the doctors away when they tried to remove the child from the broken mother's arms. On Olympus the father of the child also sobbed since this was the first time a girl was conceived because of his doing, his first baby girl. Another Olympian looked on the parents in pity and appeared before the mother making this proposition "I will heal the child, but at the end of the summer in her fifteenth year she must join the hunt. I would suggest you not let her get too attached especially to the male species, enjoy the time you have with her now." The strange woman said and disappeared in a flash of silver light. As soon as the light died the child began to cry and squirm in her mothers arms. The mother began to cry again, this time out of joy and held the baby closer. "She is alive! You finally got your baby girl!" Jessica yelled as she held the child toward the heavens. " I shall name you Tarrissa Juliana Williams and you will be among the greats!"

Forbiden Love: Aretmis's Proposition (Leo Valdez Love story)Where stories live. Discover now