Park Go Eun - ilumiluu

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Name: Park Go Eun

Age: 14

Hometown: Brooklyn, New York

Nationality: Korean-American

Birthday: Go Eun doesn't know her actual day of birth, so she "celebrates" her birthday on the first day of every new year, January 1st.

Appearance: Go Eun stands 180 cm tall, a gene which she inherits from her non-Asian side of the family. She has a black, short bob type hairstyle and her bangs are swept to the her left. Her skin and lips are bit pale, which is caused by a mild case of anemia. Her eyes are hazel colored.

Personality: Go Eun is shy and may appear anti-social, but this is because she worries about how others see her. Most of the time she would rather not initiate conversation with others. Once in a while, she will brave up and approach someone. Once she is comfortable with someone, she can be quite goofy and sweet.

Background: Go Eun became an orphan at the age of eight when her mother died of an alcohol overdose. For a short while, Go Eun was a victim of bullying at her orphanage, but this quickly ended when a small group of orphans took her under their wing. Over the years she has learned to be self-sufficient.

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