Hi, hi! I don't have anything to say so enjoy the chapter!
Over the next few weeks, I snuck phone calls during work to all the room rentals I could find. I gave up lunch breaks to go check out the potential rooms. So far I haven't found one with terms that I could agree with. With the monetary limitations I had and the higher prices of property in the area, the rooms turned out to be smaller than the one we were living in now and far more rundown. On and off, Jack would accompany me when I went room hunting. He was there to give objective and honest opinions on each place offered.
Today was no different than the other times. I couldn't find a room I liked and I was starting to run out of numbers to call. Feeling dejected and tired after a long day at work, I almost walked into a colourfully dressed lady standing in the middle of the hallway.
"I'm so sorry," I started.
"Oh, no, it's my fault- Kellin! It's been a while since we talked," the lady said, her many bangles swinging about as she spun around to look at me. "How are you?"
It was only then I realised it was Cinnamon, my neighbour. "I'm doing alright," I replied politely. "How about you?"
"Just dandy, darling," she laughed. She was a goddess-like lady in her twenties with smooth skin and plump lips and a dramatic hourglass figure that made men drool. Her hair fell in curls down to her cinched waist and her eyelids were pat down with vibrant colours. She smiled warmly at me, lips stained with cherry red. "How's the missus and the child?"
"Copeland's doing great, she just started walking and talking," I told her. "Katelynne left me a few months back but we're coping. Left for a rich man with a stable income," I shrugged. It's been some time since I talked about Katelynne. I hadn't even given her much thought since she came with her lawyer to sign those papers.
"Oh, honey, I'm so sorry to hear that," Cinnamon said sympathetically. "Then who's taking care of the little bun when you go to work?" She asked. She seemed genuinely concerned.
"I have a friend staying with me," I explained, feeling slightly awkward. Was I ready to tell another person about me and Vic? "He helps babysit in exchange for food and shelter. He's great."
Cinnamon nodded, relieved that Copeland was being looked after well enough. "Well, I must go now," she said after a second of silence. "If you ever need anything, you know you can come to me okay?"
I nodded. "Thanks."
"See you later, hun," she said. Then she moved away, finally clearing the way to my unit door.
Vic wasn't staring out the window this evening. Copeland was also awake and had her toys spread out on the floor. She was lining up her little felt cubes in a row and then stacking one on top of another with Vic's help. When the blocks toppled, she laughed before beginning the process again.
"I'm home," I announced.
Copeland saw me and gurgled in delight. "Dada," she greeted.
"Hi, baby," I cooed, dropping everything to pick her up and give her a hug. "I missed you so much," I said, kissing her head of golden waves. Then I walked up to Vic and gave him a peck on the cheek as well. "I missed you too," I grinned.
Vic just laughed and playfully shoved me aside. "You're an idiot," he chuckled. "Go and get cleaned up," he told me.
"Fine," I sighed. "Here, Coco, Daddy's gotta go shower," I said to Copeland as I handed her over to Vic.
As she moved from my arms to his, she laughed and gurgled something I couldn't quite catch at first. She repeated herself and I heard it the second time. "Papa," was what she said. I cocked my head. She wasn't looking at me at all. She only had eyes for Vic at that moment. Then I realised that she was talking to Vic. A small smile crept onto my lips and I turned away to the showers.
It was night time and Copeland was fast asleep. Vic and I were lying in bed in comfortable silence. I had my head on his shoulder and our legs were a tangled mess under the sheets.
"Copeland calls you Papa," I commented.
He chuckled. "Yeah, I know. I think she's a little bit confused," he replied.
I shrugged. "Well, she calls me Dada so you're Papa," I said. "It makes sense."
"I guess it does."
I looked up at him. "Is there something wrong?" I asked.
He shook his head. "No, I think it's cute," he said, pecking my lips. "I just never thought I'd be a dad at this age. Or ever. It's pretty crazy."
"Life's pretty crazy," I said. "It takes us for the wildest rides. But hey, I met you on the way," I smiled, kissing his cheek. "So I can't complain."
I moved so that I was straddling him at the waist. I leaned down and he smiled into the kiss. Soft and sweet like cotton candy, it was truly addictive. His hands were on my waist, grazing the strip of skin where my shirt had ridden up, sending electric shocks to my guts and spine. Only leaving his lips to line his jaw with kisses and cheeky nips, my fingers tangled in his silky curls. He gave a small moan.
"With what you do to me, Kellin," Vic mumbled. "I can't really complain about life either."
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Swing Life Away [Kellic]
FanfictionKellin wanted the best for his baby girl. At the age of 19, he was willing to settle down and work to support his little family. His world came crashing down when Katelynne left him and Copeland in the middle of the night, leaving his dreams of havi...