.:A Devil's Baker:.(Hikaru Hitachiin Love Story) {OHSHC} [4]

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Chapter 4

The next day, Seiki woke up to her face hitting the wooden floor of her room.

"Ouch..." She said as she sat up and rubbed her face in pain. "I've got to get a bigger bed...!"

She glared at her twin sized bed. It was nice to sleep on, but it didn't giver her much area to roll about on in her sleep. With a sigh, she got up and stretched her body. Her alarm clock then went off. Seiki facepalmed herself.

"Once again, I beat the damn alarm clock..." She grumbled, annoyed. She shut it off and went to the restroom to prep herself for school. 

Seiki soon returned back to her room and got dressed. She pulled out the Ouran male uniform and stripped off her sleeping pajamas, leaving them in a crumpled pile next to her clothes she wore yesterday to school. She was fixing the tie when she realized her friends didn't know that she dresses as a boy to school!

"...Damn..." She ran her fingers part way through her hair, wondering what she should do.

She jumped in the air when a loud knock sounded from her door.

"Seiki? You up yet or what?" Akari's voice yelled into the room from behind Seiki's door.

"Uh, Y-Yeah. I'm up!" Seiki said to her. "I'll be out in a minute!"

"Well, alright then." Her friend said. "Yasuko is making breakfast this time so hurry up!"

"Got it!" Seiki waited for a short moment for Akari to leave, hoping her friend wouldn't open the door to find her in the male uniform. She then let out a breath when she heard her friend's footsteps becoming softer and softer, meaning Akari had gone back down to the kitchen.

Great. How was she suppose to keep her secret of dressing as a boy to school a secret from her friends? She didn't know and shook her head. Seiki went over to her dresser after that and started to rummage through it in hopes of finding something to wear over her uniform.

Yasuko was flipping a pancake when she spotted her green haired friend pass through the doorway of the kitchen. 

"Good morning, Sei...ki...?" Yasuko furrowed her eyebrows when she realized her friend was wearing a large bathrobe. "Seiki, why are you wearing...a bathrobe?"

Seiki stopped in her tracks of going to the kitchen table and turned to her with a weak smile. She said a simple, "Huh?"

Yasuko pouted and used the spatula she had in her hand to point at Seiki's robe. "Why the hell are you wearing a bathrobe, Seiki? It's almost time for you to leave to Ouran."

"Uhh..." Seiki looked at the ground next to her before replying, "It's for kicks?"

"That's a total L-I-E, Seiki." Akari spelled out at her spot at the table.

"It's so not." Seiki protested, pouting as she turned her head away from Akari with a cross of her arms.

Yasuko just blinked. "Well...Okay then. Here's your bento."

Yasuko handed over a square box wrapped up neatly in a pastel green clothe that was tied tightly at the top to Seiki.

"Thanks, Yasuko-chan!" Seiki said with a smile.

Yasuko nodded at her before she said, "Have a good day at that rich school."

And with that, her friend headed out of the house with a nod and a wave. 

"...I'm guessing she doesn't know we know about her dressing up as a boy, huh?" Akari questioned flatly a few seconds later.

"It probably slipped her mind that she wore it home yesterday." Yasuko replied with a nod.

.:A Devil's Baker:.(Hikaru Hitachiin Love Story) {OHSHC} (HIATUS)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang